07.19.24ION Group announces closing of Prelios acquisition GroupX3 Group ("X3"), a subsidiary of ION Group, announces the closing of acquisition of Prelios S.p.A ("Prelios"), for € 1.35 billion.
01.24.24Prelios SGR and the Enasarco Foundation inaugurate the restyled Galleria Alberto Sordi SGRAn example of Italian excellence and now a refurbished shopping center for residents and tourists in Rome, as well as a public meeting place: the Galleria Alberto Sordi is resuming a key role in the city, as a result of the redevelopment and resty
12.22.23UniCredit wins the regeneration of Scalo Farini in Milan along with Prelios e Hines GroupUniCredit, supported by Prelios and Hines, has won the FS Sistemi Urbani’s competitive tender to sell two dismissed railway yards in the city of Milan - Scalo Farini and Scalo San Cristoforo, with a total land surface of c.
11.23.23Prelios SGR buys a portion of a commercial property in Milan through the Fondo Immobiliare primo RE fund SGRPrelios SGR, the Prelios Group asset manager, has completed the purchase of a commercial slab with two retail premises in Corso Matteotti 5 in Milan.
11.07.23Prelios SGR and Ardian complete sale of Milan office building at the Milanofiori Business Park SGRPrelios SGR and Ardian, a world-leading private investment house, have announced the sale of an office building in Assago in Milan's metropolitan area to Inovalis, a primary French real estate manager.
10.24.23Prelios: opening SeiMilano Park GroupExactly a year after the first trees were planted, an official preview visit was organized to the SeiMilano Park, an urban redevelopment project by Borio Mangiarotti and Värde Partners, which is transforming a 330,000 sq.m area between Via Calchi
03.29.23Prelios Group: double-digit growth for the sixth consecutive year Group2022 saw an increase in the main business and financial indicators, with revenues at 309 €/mln (+15%), EBITDA at 142 €/mln (+14%) and Assets Under Management at 42 €/bn
03.09.23Prelios: the new "March 8 Park" has opened at Porta Vittoria GroupA promise kept and a “green gift” for the city of Milan.
02.14.23Fitch affirms Prelios's Special Servicer Ratings and assigns Stable Outlooks Credit ServicingFitch Ratings has affirmed Prelios Credit Servicing’s Residential and Commercial Special Servicer Ratings at ‘RSS1-’ and ‘CSS1-’, respectively, and assigned Stable Outlooks.
12.29.22New multioriginator securitization of distressed loans promoted by Luigi Luzzatti consortium: Prelios is acting as master servicer and principal special servicer Credit Servicing“Securitization with a rating, whose senior tranche is eligible for the GACS state guarantee, which the Italian Ministry for the Economy & Finance is expected to renew imminently, continues to be an effective support tool for the banking syste
12.21.22“Profumo di Natale” at the Galleria Alberto Sordi: a new exhibition for the redevelopment of the asset of the Megas Fund managed by Prelios SGR SGR“Profumo di Natale” at the Galleria Alberto Sordi: a new exhibition for the redevelopment of the asset of the Megas Fund managed by Prelios SGR
12.21.22Social Housing: agreement between Intesa Sanpaolo and the “A.S.C.I. – Abitare Sostenibile Centro Italia” fund on real estate initiatives in Umbria SGRThe 19.5 million euro disbursed to the A.S.C.I.
11.08.22Ariadne Sicaf, managed by Prelios SGR,has finalized the sale of the second residential lot of SeiMilano SGRAriadne Sicaf – a company of Borio Mangiarotti and Värde Partners managed by Prelios SGR – has finalized the sale of the second residential lot of SeiMilano to Invesco Real Estate, a global real estate investment manager, which simultaneously sign
11.07.22PRIMO is to be the new Satispay headquarters SGRPrimo, the building in Piazza Fidia 1, in Milan’s Isola district, is to be the new Satispay headquarters.
10.13.22Prelios presents the redevelopment project for the Galleria Alberto Sordi GroupThe building is one of the core assets of the Megas Fund managed by Prelios SGR, and will undergo a restyling organized by Lombardini22
09.16.22Serrini: “Very positive first half for Italian real estate. Uncertainties in the second half” Group“Italian real estate had a particularly positive first half, the second half is full of uncertainties”. Interviewed for “MilanoParigiCapitali 2022” by Jole Saggese of Class CNBC and Teresa Campo&n
09.14.22Luzzatti: Prelios Master and Special Servicer for a new multioriginator NPL securitization Credit ServicingPrelios is to act as Master Servicer and, on a co-servicing basis with Fire, as Special Servicer for a new multioriginator NPL securitization promoted by the Luigi Luzzatti company.
08.06.22Class CNBC: interview with Riccardo Serrini, CEO of the Prelios Group GroupRiccardo Serrini interviewed by Simone Cerroni for Class CNBC CEO Talks. The Prelios CEO comments on the Group’s excellent half-year results and the performance of the various business areas.
08.03.22Prelios Group: record results in the first half of 2022 rank Prelios among the top performers in the european industry GroupPrelios S.p.A. (“Prelios” or the “Group”), one of Europe's leading providers of alternative asset management and specialized real estate services, yesterday approved its 2022 first-half results.
08.01.22Ardian and Prelios Sgr finalize sale of an iconic building in Milan’s city center, to BNP Paribas Reim SGRArdian, a world-leading private investment house, and Prelios SGR, one of Italy's leading real estate and asset management companies, announced the sale
07.21.22Work continues on the “La Fenice Living Piacenza” redevelopment project managed by the Prelios Group AgencyConstruction work and marketing activities are moving ahead on schedule on the “La Fenice Living Piacenza” redevelopment project (www.lafeniceliving.it), a new residential complex in Piazzale Roma, Piace
07.07.22Panzeri: “We have a privileged vantage point on Unlikely to Pay credits” GroupDebtwire Restructuring Forum – Italy, July 6 in Milan
06.30.22MilanoSesto, Unione 0 introduced to the Sesto San Giovanni community GroupLuigi Aiello: “Un progetto ambizioso, in principio considerato un problema, ma oggi un’iniziativa forte che si fonda sulla creazione di valore per l’intera comunità”
06.29.22UniCredit and Prelios sign partnership for management of Unlikely-To Pay loans GroupAt the conclusion of the competitive selection process launched by the bank in the last quarter of 2021, UniCredit and Prelios have signed an agreement for the specialized management of Unlikely-To Pay (UTP) loans.
06.27.22Serrini: “We can expect an estimated increase in stage 3 credits, mainly UTPs, of between 90 and 100 billion euro in the next 2-3 years in Italy.” Group“We can expect an estimated increase in stage 3 credits, mainly UTPs, of between 90 and 100 billion euro in the next 2-3 years in Italy.” Prelios Group CEO Riccardo Serrini was in con
06.27.22Prelios Group at RE Italy Convention Day in Milan: FIABCI awards for Milanosesto and Rinascente Rome GroupAt RE Italy, FIABCI Award for the Rinascente remodeling project in Rome's Piazza Fiume.
06.27.22Panzeri: “We have built our success in the UTP servicing by investing in three areas: people, processes, and systems.” GroupFabio Panzeri, Prelios General Manager Servicing & Operations, took part in the panel “UTPs and banks: credit quality in connection with internal management, partnerships and sales” at the 2022 UTP Summit organized by Il Sole
05.24.22Sergio Cavallino: Prelios Group pays close attention to ESG principles for sustainability, corporate climate, gender gap Group“Italy's entrepreneurial fabric consists of large numbers of SMEs, whose business may be very healthy, who are perhaps dealing with a temporary working capital problem but are unable to access liquidity.” Prelios Group CFO Sergio Cavallino
05.04.22Prelios Integra becomes a GRESB partner IntegraPrelios Integra has joined the Partner network of GRESB, the global ESG benchmark for financial markets since 2009.
05.03.22Prelios Group: construction work begins on the JL Blue Resort residential complex in Jesolo GroupConstruction work on the first part of the new JL Blue Resort residential complex in Jesolo, in the province of Venice, will be completed by the end of December 2023.
05.02.22Nicolò Denaro at Class CNBC: Italy a very attractive real estate market SGR“We had a very positive first quarter.” Nicolò Denaro, Head of Real Estate Acquisition & AM at Prelios SGR, was speaking at the Class CNBC “Rapporto Immobiliare” special presented by Annabella D’Argento
04.29.22Presentation of the project to restore the Olivetti Complex as the location of the new Ivrea Hospital GroupThe study for the restoration of the Olivetti Complex as the location of the new Ivrea Hospital was presented today.
04.19.22Prelios Innovation: BlinkS for the first Credito Cooperativo sale of UTP credits InnovationMilan, April 19, 2022 – As part of plans to dispose of stocks of non-performing exposures (NPEs) following the sale at the end of 2021 of distressed loans with the Italian State Guarantee, a number of banks in the Cassa Centrale - Cr
04.13.22PrelioSGR: redevelopment of Rome's Piazzetta Morgagni completed SGRA new inclusive and sustainable urban space linking the three buildings that make up the office complex in Via Morgagni 30, Rome, owned by the Fedora Fund managed by Prelios SGR, in which EPPI, the pension body fo
03.30.22Prelios Group: record growth for the fifth consecutive year GroupWith EBITDA at € 125 mln and net profit of € 97 mln, and a significant improvement in all business and financial indicators, 2021 was the Group’s best year ever since as a pure management company
03.21.22Prelios SGR sold real estate for office use in Rome EUR to Castello SGR SGRPrelios SGR has sold – through the Cristoforo Fund, whose shares are indirectly held by Goldman Sachs – a property in via Paolo di Dono, 44 in Rome, in the EUR district, leased by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (
03.19.22Agreement for the hotel to be built in the Unione 0 area of MilanoSesto GroupThe “Unione 0” real estate fund, managed by Prelios SGR and in which Hines and Cale Street are investors, has entered into a binding agreement with Accor, a world leader in the hospitality sector, for the 25-year
02.21.22Prelios SGR and Houlihan Lokey sign lease agreement on Corso Matteotti 5, Milan SGRPrelios SGR has signed a lease on the building in Corso Matteotti 5 in Milan with Houlihan Lokey – a world-leading investment bank – through Fondo Immobiliare primo RE, a real estate fund held entirely by the Cassa Nazionale di Previdenza e Assist
02.08.22Debut at the Bocconi University for the “Economics of Sustainable Urban Regeneration” course GroupSUR Lab's partners are Hines Italy, Prelios Group, Intesa Sanpaolo and Milanosesto
02.03.22The Prelios Group obtains Great Place to Work certification GroupFor us every person who works in Prelios is a formidable source of added value.
02.02.22HEVF II Italy E, an Italian fund managed by Prelios SGR, purchases 20 logistics assets with 200,000 sq.m of space in Emilia Romagna and Lombardy SGR“Prelios once again confirms its role as a partner for international funds, with 80% of deals in the last three years closed off-market.”.
01.24.22Riccardo Serrini: interview with Class CNBC GroupThe January 22 issue of Milano Finanza publishes highlights from the wide-ranging interview with Prelios Group CEO Riccardo Serrini conducted by Andrea Cabrini, director of Class CNBC, for the “CEO Talks” of the Class Group’s business and financial T
01.13.22Launch of the Eleuteria fund managed by Prelios SGR for sme/corporate utp credits held by Luzzati shareholder banks SGRThe partnership between Luigi Luzzatti S.C.p.A.
01.11.22Milanosesto development begins with the transfer of "Unione 0" to the new real estate fund ultimately invested by Hines and Cale Street, managed by Prelios SGR Group"From the very first discussions we had on this ambitious project, we understood its great potential and strong social appeal.
12.23.21Fondazione TOG Together to Go is another important organization the Prelios Group is supporting for Christmas 2021 GroupFondazione TOG Together to Go is another important organization the Prelios Group is supporting for Christmas 2021.
12.22.21Prelios Group and all its people support the Fondazione De Marchi GroupFor the 2021 year-end festivities, the Prelios Group and all its people support important organizations involved in the treatment and convalescence of sick children.
12.21.21Cuvée project: Back2Bonis Fund grows further with the contribution of additional €124 million from Iccrea Banca, CRA Binasco and another leading Italian banking institution SGRCuvée, the innovative multi-originator platform managing UTP (Unlikely to Pay) loans in the real estate sector, further expands its assets under management thanks to a €124 million contribution from Iccrea Banca, CRA Binasco and another leading It
12.20.21Prelios Credit Servicing and Cassa Centrale together on the Buonconsiglio 4 transaction with GACS Credit ServicingCentrale Credit Solutions (CCS), a company in the Cassa Centrale Group active in the structuring of multi-originator sale transactions, has successfully completed its second non-performing loan securitization, which will be assisted
12.13.21Ardian, together with Prelios, acquires a 13,200 sqm office building in Madrid’s Méndez Álvaro district. SGRArdian, together with Prelios, acquires a 13,200 sqm office building in Madrid’s Méndez Álvaro district.
11.10.21Bocconi University launches the SUR Lab with the contribution of Hines, Intesa Sanpaolo, Prelios and Milanosesto GroupItaly's Bocconi University has launched the Sustainable Urban Regeneration (SUR) Lab, which aims to study, analyze and promote the development of sustainable urban regeneration, with the contribution of Hines, Intesa Sanpaolo, Prelios and MilanoSe
11.09.21Prelios sgr and Ardian sign a lease agreement for the property in via di Villa Emiliani10, Rome SGRArdian, a world-leading private investment house, and Prelios SGR, announced that they have signed a lease agreement with a leading multinational company operating in the telecommunications sector for its new Italian headquarters in Rome.
10.18.21Prelios SGR with the Clarice Light Industrial fund sells a portfolio of 55 telephone exchanges to the Telco Infra 2 fund SGRPrelios SGR, the Prelios Group's asset manager, has finalized the sale, through Clarice Light Industrial, a fund wholly owned by a leading institutional investor, of a portfolio of 55 telephone exchanges located across Italy.
10.13.21Fintech: partnership on NPE management between Finance Evolution (Lutech Group) and Prelios Innovation (Prelios Group) InnovationFinance Evolution, a company in the Lutech Group, Italy’s leading provider of ICT services and solutions, and Prelios Innovation, the Fintech arm of the Prelios Group, have signed a cooperation agreement to
10.12.21Milanosesto: laying of the foundation stone for Sesto San Giovanni's future railroad station GroupSesto San Giovanni: laying of the foundation stone for Sesto San Giovanni's future railroad station on the site of the former Falck area.
10.05.21Luzzatti and Prelios Group agreement to create a fund for small- & mid-ticket utp credits GroupThe Luigi Luzzatti S.C.p.A.
09.27.21Prelios and Wikicasa strategic partnership on real estate portals and databases GroupCasaclick.it, the portal for classified property ads owned by Prelios, has been acquired by Wikicasa.it, a platform held by Italy's four main real estate groups (Gabetti, Tecnocasa, Re/Max and Tempocasa).
09.09.21Prelios SGR: signed a binding agreement for the sale of the former Olivetti Scarmagno area SGRItalvolt Spa, the company founded by Lars Carlstrom with the goal of building one of Europe’s biggest gigafactories in Italy, has signed a binding agreement with Monteverdi Fund manager Prelios SGR for the purchase of an area measuring 1 mi
08.25.21Prelios Group: record-breaking results in the first half of 2021 GroupPrelios S.p.A. (“Prelios” or the “Group”), one of the leading European providers of alternative asset management and specialised real estate services, has announced its 2021 H1 results.
08.03.21Prelios acquires control of Business Support’s loan & facility agency and monitoring division GroupPrelios S.p.A. and Business Support S.p.A. have finalized an agreement for the sale of control of Business Support’s loan & facility agency and monitoring division.
07.29.21Prelios SGR joins Borio Mangiarotti and Värde Partners on the SeiMilano development project SGRMilan, July 29, 2021 – Prelios SGR, Borio Mangiarotti and Värde Partners are launching a new investment platform, Ariadne SICAF, held by Borio Mangiarotti and Värde Partners and managed by Prelios SGR.
07.16.21Ardian and Prelios close first property investment in Spain, with the purchase of an office building in Madrid GroupArdian, a world-leading private investment house, and Prelios have closed their first real estate investment in Spain, with the off-market purchase of an office building in Madrid.
07.13.21Covid-19 and the tourism industry, Fabrizio Palenzona: “A new mentality is needed to act as an ‘accelerator’. The focus has to be on size, sustainability, quality, digitalization and accessibility” GroupThe third ‘Hospitality Forum 2021 - System Italy’ also attended by Riccardo Serrini: “The hotel market has to take advantage of the enormous changes triggered by the pandemic to deal with the structural problems underlying size and supply
07.08.21“We are working to promote a financial culture, especially in the SME community” Fabrizio Palenzona’s remarks at the Credit Village Spring Day GroupSpeaking at the 7th Edition of the Credit Village Spring Day ‘NPE Market in a Changing World’ held in Milano on July 7, Prelios Group chairman Fabrizio Palenzona declared: “When as a result of calendar provisioning for banks or default
06.30.21Financial education: Prelios joins the FEduF GroupPrelios has become a participant in the Foundation for Financial Education and Savings (FEduF), created by the Italian Banking Associa
06.29.21Opening of the Fatebenefratelli Sacco Hospital's new community medical center in Milan GroupOpening of the Fatebenefratelli Sacco Hospital's new community medical center in Milan: an extended report on Class CNBC, the financial and business TV channel of the Class - Milano Finanza Group directed by Andrea Cabrini.
06.28.21Opening of new Fatebenefratelli Sacco community medical center GroupMilan, June 25, 2021 – The official opening was held today of the brand new community medical center of the Fatebenefratelli Sacco hospital, in Via Serlio 8, at the heart of Milan’s historic and multi-ethnic Municipality 4, with a populatio
06.17.21Riccardo Serrini: intervistato da Class CNBC per CEO Talks Group“The growth trend that has been a characteristic of Prelios in the last few years will certainly continue.
06.11.21Fitch has raised Prelios Credit Servicing's rating Credit ServicingFitch has raised Prelios Credit Servicing S.p.A.’s rating as a special servicer of NPE portfolios to RSS1- and CSS1- (the previous ratings were, respectively, RSS2+ and CSS2+).
06.11.21Prelios Innovation strengthens strategic partnership with Centrale Credit Solutions and Allitude S.p.A. for the BlinkS platform InnovationPrelios Innovation together with Centrale Credit Solutions and Allitude S.p.A.
06.03.21Prelios named NPL Servicer of the Year at the GlobalCapital European Securitization Awards Group– The Prelios Group is one of the winners of the GlobalCapital European Securitization Awards 2021, the third edition of the international program organized by GlobalCapital, a British publication founded in 1987, which has announced its awards fo
05.19.21Palenzona: the pandemic an accelerator of many existing trends Group“In many sectors, the pandemic, which has a massive impact on everyone’s lives, has accelerated existing trends.” Prelios Group Chair Fabrizio Palenzona was talking to the editor of Il Sole 24 Ore Fabio Tamburini in an interview during the
05.17.21MilanoSesto: Cimolai S.p.A. will build the new Sesto San Giovanni railway station GroupLe opere di costruzione della nuova stazione ferroviaria avranno inizio nel mese di luglio 2021 e vedranno la realizzazione di una passerella di 89 metri di lunghezza per 18 di larghezza, sospesa al di sopra della linea ferroviaria esistente, che
05.07.21Prelios SGR: Rinascente announces the remodeling of its historic store in Rome's piazza fiume SGRThis year Rinascente celebrates its 60th anniversary in Rome's Piazza Fiume. What better occasion to announce the remodeling project for the whole store?
04.29.21Prelios Group reports record growth in third year of continued strong performance GroupPrelios, one of the leading European providers of alternative asset management and specialised real estate services, today announced its earnings for the Full Year 2020, reporting its third year of continuous improvement across all
04.28.21“Speed, less red tape, regulatory certainty. And a new approach to residential property” GroupLuigi Aiello at MilanoCapitali 2021
03.24.21Prelios launches BlinkS Network Partners, Europe's first ecosystem for NPEs InnovationPrelios Innovation has announced the launch of BlinkS Network Partners – Europe's first ecosystem for non-performing exposures (NPEs) – integrated with the BlinkS platform, the marketplace for distressed loans developed by the Prelios Group.
03.18.21The Prelios Group innovation program: creativity, start-ups and employee engagement GroupAccelerating the most promising ideas and creating a virtuous circle that puts innovation at the heart of Group activities through the creativity of its employees, start-ups and external partn
03.18.21Luigi Aiello at Milano Marketing Festival by Class CNBC Group“The real estate sector evolves in response to important social change.” Luigi Aiello, General Manager Corporate & Business Development at the Prelios Group, was addressing the Milano Marketing Festival.
03.10.21Prelios Integra receives new administrative management mandates from the Lactalis Italia Group IntegraPrelios Integra, the Prelios Group company that manages properties for large public and private real estate operators, has been awarded a new administrative management mandate by the Lactalis Italia Group, the leader in
01.25.21Giacobbo at RE Italy: “A digitalization drive in civil procedures” Credit Servicing“The general consequences of the Covid19 health emergency are not only a profound negative impact on our country's socio-economic life, they will also certainly have an impact on the credit industry.” Massimo Giacobbo, Managing Director NPL
01.18.21A green Colosseum for Milan: Prelios Group Partner Sponsor of PAN - Parco Amphitheatrum Naturae GroupThe Prelios Group is proud to be a Partner Sponsor of PAN - Parco Amphitheatrum Naturae, an innovative green archeology project set up to restore Milan’s Imperial Amphitheater.
12.30.20Prelios SGR takes over management of Fondo Logistica SGRPrelios SGR, the Prelios Group asset manager, has completed an operation to take over management of Fondo Logistica, a real estate alternative investment fund for institutional and professional investors, whose investments foc
12.30.20Lease credits: Prelios Credit Servicing to act as Master and Special Servicer on the “Titan” multioriginator transaction Credit ServicingPrelios Credit Servicing, a Prelios Group company and leading player in the NPE sector for more than thirty years, is to act as Master and Special Servicer in connection with the Titan multioriginator securitization transaction compl
12.18.20Prelios Credit Servicing to act as Master and Special Servicer on the UBI Banca “Sirio” transaction Credit ServicingPrelios Credit Servicing, a Prelios Group company and the leading player in the NPE sector for more than thirty years, has been engaged as Master and Special Servicer in connection with the transfer – announced today by&nbs
12.15.20Prelios SGR purchases an office building in Milan from Kryalos SGR through the Primo RE Fund SGRPrelios SGR, the Prelios Group asset manager, has finalized the purchase, through the Primo RE real estate fund, of a building in Corso Matteotti 5, Milan, from the Kryalos SGR Perseus Fund.
12.09.20Prelios Innovation and Unicrec: three-year strategic partnership for BlinkS platform InnovationPrelios Innovation and UNIREC, Unione nazionale imprese a tutela del credito – the Confindustria SIT Association whose members represent 80% of the agencies and companies that offer credit management services – have signed a strategic partn
12.08.20The second stage of the Cuvée project launched one year ago has started, with the contribution of additional files worth €400 million GroupThe Back2Bonis Fund, Italy’s first fund managing UTP multi-originator real estate loans, thus increases its assets under management, including leasing files,
12.02.20“Italy an example for market solutions to the problem of distressed loans” GroupRiccardo Serrini, CEO of the Prelios Group and Prelios Credit Servicing, at the Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry into banks
12.01.20Francesco Uggenti speaker at "NPL Forum 2020" Innovation“The Italian experience in reducing NPLs, above all through use of the GACS state guarantee, and later in reducing UTPs has attracted very wide interest among the main European institutions and regulators.
11.26.20Financecommunity Awards: Prelios Innovation receives award for BlinkS, the first Italian NPE digital marketplace InnovationSuccess at the Financecommunity Awards for the Prelios Group and BlinkS, the first Italian digital marketplace – and one of the very first in Europe – for NPE trading. The sixth edition
11.23.20Luigi Aiello at Il Sole 24 Ore's Investire in Milano conference Group“The longest period of economic growth in modern history has been abruptly interrupted by the pandemic, causing serious upset on all markets including the property market.
11.20.20Prelios Agency for the lease of the “Palazzo L” building in Assago Milanofiori AgencyPrelios Agency, a Prelios Group company specialized in real estate advisory and intermediation, has assisted one of the most important global infrastructure players on the selection of its new headquarters in Milan.
11.18.20Ardian and Prelios SGR finalize the sale of an office building in Via Colombo, Rome SGRArdian, a world-leading private investment house, and Prelios SGR S.p.A., one of Italy's largest real estate and securities SGRs, announced the sale to Deka Immobilien, the Deka Group’s specialist for real estate in
11.18.20The future lies in permanent innovation Group“In the wake of the success of the Premium and BlinkS initiatives in the fields of, respectively, property risk analysis management and digital trading of non-performing loans, Prelios recently launched a permanent innovation program,” says Prelio
11.17.20The challenge for the Prelios Group: new talents in order to grow in the UTP business GroupThe challenge for the
11.04.20Prelios Integra: leader in Property Management in terms of managed surface area IntegraPrelios Integra, the Prelios Group company that manages properties for large public and private real estate players, is the leader in Property Management in Italy with more than 8 million square meters of assets under manageme
10.31.20Riccardo Serrini at RE Italy 2020 Group“In Italy today corporate NPLs account for 80% of the total.” The comment comes from Prelios Group CEO Riccardo Serrini, who was taking part in RE Italy on October 29 at Borsa Italiana in Milan.
10.29.20Prelios Innovation and IBL Banca: strategic partnership for management and trading of non-performing loans InnovationIBL Banca – parent company of the IBL Banca Banking Group, the leading provider of salary- or pension-backed loans – and Prelios Innovation have signed a strategic partnership agreement for the adoption of BlinkS, the d
10.28.20Prelios Agency advisor for the purchase of an office development plot in Milan AgencyPrelios Agency, a Prelios Group company specialized in real estate advisory and intermediation, has acted as advisor on the purchase of an office development plot in Milan.
10.26.20Alma Iura: Stefano Focaccia interviewed by Mariangela Pira of SkyTg24 Group“The most pressing problems?
10.23.20Alma Iura: Gabriella Breno interviewed by Mariangela Pira of SkyTg24 InnovationBlinkS, the most important Fintech development in the world of distressed credit. In an interview with Sky TG24 anchor and business-financial reporter Mariangela Pira, Prelios Innovation Ceo Gabriella Breno
10.21.20MilanoSesto: agreement with Hines and Cale Street for the acquisition and development of the "Unione Zero" parcel GroupHines and Cale Street finalize agreement with Milanosesto S.p.A.
10.19.20Debtwire Restructuring Day GroupCovid19 has pushed European NPL levels up for the first time in years, says the Debtwire European NPLs 3Q-20 Report.
10.07.20Prelios Agency: marketing engagement for Corso Europa 18 in Milan AgencyPrelios Agency, a Prelios Group company specialized in real estate consultancy and advisory, has been engaged by Kryalos Sgr to market the office space in the prestigious office building at Corso Europa 18 in Milan.
09.29.20Panzeri: UTPs, we have already managed to put 340 companies back on a performing basis, and aim to raise the number to 400 by the end of 2020 Group“During the Covid-19 emergency, the Prelios Group was faced with the challenge of building a new industrialized management machine for UTPs. I think we succeeded by focusing on people, processes and systems.
09.29.20Riccardo Serrini: deleveraging and digital platforms for the secondary market, look at the Italian example GroupIn an interview with Jole Saggese for Class CNBC Report on September 28, Prelios Group CEO Riccardo Serrini comments on the alarm raised by the European Commission Executive Vice President Valdis Dombrovskis at the ECB virtual roundtable on Septem
09.23.20Fabrizio Palenzona: “re-creating a corporate culture and respect for private enterprise in the real estate sector is vital.” Group“In a complicated period like the present, re-creating a corporate culture and respect for private enterprise in the real estate sector is vital, because this is a sector that provides jobs and growth opportunities,” said Fabrizio Palenzona, Chair
09.18.20Prelios SGR: work begins on the Porta Vittoria public park SGRMilan, September 18, 2020 – Work has begun on the new Porta Vittoria public park.
08.05.20Prelios Integra: upgrade for the IFAD headquarters an EU EEnvest project case study IntegraMilan, August 5, 2020 – The Prelios Integra energy upgrade project for the headquarters of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) in Rome has been selected as one of the energy management best practices of the European
07.21.20Centrale Credit Solutions and Prelios Innovation: first sale on the BlinkS platform InnovationPrelios Innovation and Centrale Credit Solutions, a company in the Cassa Centrale Banca - Credito Cooperativo Italiano Group that arranges non-performing loan sale transactions for its banks, announced the completion of the first
07.10.20Presentation of the “ICO VALLEY” - Human Digital Hub in Ivrea A project made possible thanks to promotion by Prelios SGR as manager of the Anastasia Fund, which owns the buildings SGRHuman Digital Hub, a project combining the best of Italy’s industrial history with the country’s digital future, is under starter’s orders.
07.08.20Prelios Agency finalizes lease on an entire building in central Milan AgencyMilan, July 8, 2020 – Prelios Agency, a Prelios Group company specialized in real estate consultancy and advisory, has finalized a lease contract on an 2,000 sq.m free-standing building in Corso Venezia 54
06.25.20Prelios Integra receives a Property Management mandate from Serenissima SGR IntegraMilan, June 25, 2020 – Prelios Integra, the Prelios Group company that manages real estate on behalf of large public and private property players, has been awarded a Property Management mandate to run the properties of the Sansovino Fund
06.23.20Monselesan: NPL management, a different approach today among stakeholders and ratings agencies Credit ServicingThe Director of Portfolio Management & NPL Underwriting at Prelios Credit Servicing took part in the Quotidiano Immobiliare online workshop.
06.23.20Prelios Agency to market a Valtur S.p.A. portfolio in connection with the company’s special administration insolvency procedure AgencyMilan, June 23, 2020 – Prelios Agency, a Prelios Group company specialized in real estate advisory and consultancy, has been appointed on an exclusive basis by the Court of Trapani to market a real estate portfoli
06.18.20Prelios Credit Servicing: BPER Group announces 1.4 billion “Spring” securitization Credit ServicingPRECS will act as Master and Special Servicer on the transaction. This is the fifteenth securitization with the GACS guarantee managed by Prelios.
06.17.20PRECS Master and Special Servicer on Banca Popolare di Sondrio's ‘Diana’ transaction Credit ServicingSecuritization for a gross book value of one billion euro, with the Italian State's GACS guarantee to be requested for the senior tranche.
06.15.20The BlinkS digital trading platform can transform the NPL sales process from an extraordinary solution into a routine process Innovation“The technological advances we have witnessed over the last decade have certainly laid all the necessary foundations to construct NPL trading platforms able to cater for any type of deal.” Prelios Innovation CEO Gabriella Breno was t
06.15.20ASCI Fund, managed by Prelios SGR, receives a financing of 16 million euro by UBI Banca to support social housing projects SGRMilan, 15 June 2020 - ASCI fund managed by Prelios SGR with financing of 16 million euro to support four social housing projects in the Italian region of Umbria.
06.13.20New Porta Vittoria public park: green light from Milan City Council to Prelios SGR for the realization SGRMilan, June 13, 2020 - Work on the new Porta Vittoria public park is under starter’s orders.
06.04.20Prelios Innovation: two more NPL sale transactions on the BlinkS platform for an overall GBV of more than 35 million euro InnovationPrelios Innovation today announced the completion of two further NPL sale transactions on the BlinkS digital platform developed by the Prelios Group for distressed loan trading.
05.22.20Fitch has confirmed its “RSS2+” and “CSS2+” ratings for Prelios Credit Servicing (PRECS) as a special servicer of residential and commercial mortgage loans in Italy (March 2019) Credit ServicingFitch’s decision to confirm its ratings reflects:
05.14.20Prelios Innovation: sale of an NPL portfolio with a GBV of 30+ million euro on the BlinkS digital platform InnovationPrelios Innovation today announced the completion of an NPL portfolio sale transaction on BlinkS, the digital platform developed by the Prelios Group for distressed loan trading.
05.06.20Legalcommunity Finance Awards 2020: the partnership between Intesa Sanpaolo and Prelios awarded as Deal of the Year GroupThe partnership between Intesa Sanpaolo and Prelios regarding UtP credits was named Deal of the Year at the 2020 Legalcommunity Finance Awards on May 5.
04.28.20Prelios and Room Mate Hotels: Room Mate Giulia in Milan available for health workers SGRRoom Mate Hotels, the international hotel chain founded by Kike Sarasola, is making the Room Mate Giulia hotel in Milan available free of charge for health workers involved in the Covid-19 emergency.
04.23.20Prelios Group CEO Riccardo Serrini, at Class CNBC channel GroupPrelios Group CEO Riccardo Serrini, interviewed by Jole Saggese for the Report program on the Class CNBC channel on April 22, analyzes the impact of the Covid-19 emergency on distressed loans, specifically UTPs and NPLs
04.21.20Prelios Group chairman Fabrizio Palenzona interviewed by Piero Maranghi for Va Pensiero on Classica HD GroupAn important and wide-ranging interview interspersed with some original anecdotes and frank opinions.
04.08.20Corporate real estate investments in Italy: Q1 2020 volumes at 1.2 billion euro GroupCorporate real estate investment (non-residential) in the first quarter of 2020 amounted to 1.2 billion euro, a decrease of 27.9% from 1.6 billion euro in the 2019 January-March quarter.
04.02.20Prelios Group men and women back the Ospedale di Fiera in Milan and the Lazzaro Spallanzani in Rome GroupThe employees of the Prelios Group at the side of the people fighting the Covid-19 emergency.
03.31.20Gaetano Miccichè joins the Prelios Group Board of Directors and will be appointed Deputy Chairman. GroupPrelios S.p.A. (Prelios Group) held its annual general meeting today. Among other items, the shareholders approved the increase in the number of directors from 6 to 7 and the appointment to the Board of Directors of dott.
03.20.20Prelios Group: Andrea Fabbri new Human Resources & Organization Director GroupMr Fabbri, who is 48 and was born in Bologna, will report directly to Prelios’ Chief Operating Officer Fabio Panzeri.
03.18.20Prelios Group: donation to the Fatebenefratelli Sacco hospital in Milan GroupThe Prelios Group is providing support for the Fatebenefratelli Sacco hospital in Milan, a healthcare unit on the front line in dealing with the COVID-19 emergency.
03.03.20Prelios Agency awarded an exclusive sale mandate by Sara Assicurazioni AgencyMilan, March 03, 2020 – Prelios Agency, the Prelios Group company that specializes in property marketing and advisory services, has been awarded an exclusive mandate by Sara Assicurazioni S.p.A. – one of
03.02.20Prelios SGR S.p.A.: Patrick Del Bigio appointed CEO SGRMilan, March 2, 2020 – Prelios SGR S.p.A. said that Patrick Del Bigio had been appointed company CEO. The appointment was approved on February 26 by the Board of Directors of Prelios SGR, chaired by Giancarlo Scotti.
03.02.20Prelios SGR S.p.A.: Patrick Del Bigio appointed CEO GroupPrelios SGR S.p.A. said that Patrick Del Bigio had been appointed company CEO. The appointment was approved on February 26 by the Board of Directors of Prelios SGR, chaired by Giancarlo Scotti.
02.13.20Prelios Innovation CEO Gabriella Breno a guest of Caffè Affari in Class CNBC's new TV studios, for an interview with presenter Irene Elisei on Thursday February 13 GroupPrelios Innovation CEO Gabriella Breno a guest of Caffè Affari in Class CNBC's new TV studios, for an interview with presenter Irene Elisei on Thursday February 13.
01.29.20Riccardo Serrini at the Class CNBC 20-year live event GroupPrelios Group CEO Riccardo Serrini interviewed by Irene Elisei for Class CNBC at the open day on 28 January 2020 celebrating the first 20 years of the Class Group broadcaster.
01.27.20Centrale Credit Solutions and Prelios Innovation: strategic partnership for BlinkS platform InnovationPrelios Innovation and Centrale Credit Solutions, a company in the Cassa Centrale Banca – Credito Cooperativo Italiano Group that arranges distressed-loan sales and securitizations for the banks in the Group, have signed a strategic partnership ag
01.24.20Prelios Agency and GVA Redilco lease deal on free-standing office building in the Bassi Business Park in Milan AgencyPrelios Agency and GVA Redilco have successfully closed a lease deal on a free-standing office building in the Bassi Business Park in Via Ugo Bassi, in Milan's Isola/Porta Nuova district.
01.16.20Prelios Group with Hines for the acquisition of the Torre Velasca in Milan GroupThe Prelios Group has been involved in the agreement for the preliminary purchase of Milan’s iconic Torre Velasca tower, one of the city's best-known architectural symbols since 1957.
01.15.20Corporate property investments in Italy worth 11.7 billion Euro in 2019 GroupCorporate investments on the Italian market amounted to 11.7 billion Euro in 2019 (+40.6% from 2018), beating the 2017 record high of 11.1 billion
12.27.19Prelios Group and AMCO create a multi-originator platform to manage UTP loans related to the Real Estate sector. GroupCreation of a new innovative multi-originator platform to manage real estate UTPs
12.20.19The multi-originator POP NPLs 2019 securitization has been completed: Prelios Credit Servicing will act as Master Servicer of the transaction, which will see Prelios Credit Solution and Fire as Special Servicer. Credit ServicingPrelios Credit Servicing will act as Master Servicer in the multi-originator Pop NPLs 2019 transaction, announced on December 20 by 12 Italian commercial banks, including 8 Italian cooperative banks.
12.04.19Prelios and Intesa Sanpaolo finalize strategic agreement on UTPs GroupAfter obtaining the required approvals from the competent authorities, Prelios and Intesa Sanpaolo have finalized a strategic partnership agreement on Unlikely To Pay exposures (UTPs), signed and announced on last July 31.
11.22.19Prelios Agency, selected as adviser in the sale of a real estate complex located in Viale Sarca, 336, in Milan, Italy AgencyMilan, November 22, 2019 - Prelios Agency, a Prelios Group company specialized in advisory and real estate consulting, acted as broker in the sale of a commercial space office complex, located in Viale Sarca, 336 in Milan, Italy.
11.20.192019 update report presentation: "Real estate funds in Italy and abroad" Group"The managed investment segment in the real estate sector has shown growth also this year, primarily due to the growing interest shown by foreign institutional investors".
11.15.19Prelios receives award at the Financecommunity Awards GroupPrelios receives award at the Financecommunity Awards.
11.14.19Sergio Cavallino, Prelios Group Chief Financial Officer, acknowledged with an award at the 2019 CFO Awards event GroupSergio Cavallino, Prelios Group Chief Financial Officer, acknowledged with an award at the 2019 CFO Awards event.
11.06.19Riccardo Serrini at the DLA Piper “Quo Vadis Italia?” conference GroupInvestors and key players in Real Estate met in Milan for the sixth “Quo Vadis Italia?” summit organized by the international law firm DLA Piper.
10.31.19Prelios Integra obtains Building Project Developer certification IntegraAlready a member of Investor Confidence Project Europe, a network supported by the Horizon 2020 research program, Prelios Integra has obtained Building Project Developer certification, one of the top Real Estate service standards.
10.31.19Prelios Integra obtains Building Project Developer certification GroupAlready a member of Investor Confidence Project Europe, a network supported by the Horizon 2020 research program, Prelios Integra has obtained Building Project Developer certification, one of the top Real Estate service standards.
10.29.19Prelios SGR S.p.A.: meeting of Board of Directors GroupPrelios SGR S.p.A. said that Andrea Cornetti had resigned from the company Board of Directors and as General Manager, in order to pursue a new career opportunity.
10.29.19Prelios SGR S.p.A.: meeting of Board of Directors SGRMilan, October 29, 2019 – Prelios SGR S.p.A. said that Andrea Cornetti had resigned from the company Board of Directors and as General Manager, in order to pursue a new career opportunity.
10.23.19Interview with Riccardo GroupClass CNBC: Irene Elisei interviews Prelios Group CEO Riccardo Serrini on Italian and European NPEs, a question also covered in London recently by Debtwire. As Italian NPLs return to physiological levels after the peaks of the last few y
10.07.19Prelios Agency advisor to Investire Sgr's Helios Fund, for the marketing of a property in Milan AgencyMilan, October 7, 2019 – Prelios Agency, the Prelios Group company specialized in real estate advisory and consultancy services, acted as advisor to the Helios Fund, which is managed by Investire Sgr, for the marketing of a property in Via Luigi P
09.18.19Prelios Agency acts as advisor to Dimension Data for new HQ lease AgencyPrelios Agency, the Prelios Group company specialized in real estate advisory and brokerage services, acted as advisor to help Dimension Data S.p.A., a leading information technology and communication company, find new headquarters i
09.16.19Luna Farm: FICO Eataly World broadens its tourist offer SGRLuna Farm, Italy's first leisure park with a “farming” theme, will open in Bologna by the end of 2019.
09.16.19Prelios Valuations: three-year agreement with Casavo for residential property surveys ValuationsMilan, September 16, 2019 – Prelios Valuations has been chosen to partner Casavo, Italy's first real estate Instant Buyer, under the terms of a three-year agreement for surveys on residential properties being con
08.29.19Prelios Integra obtains UNI ISO 37001 anti-corruption certification IntegraMilan, 29 August 2019 – Prelios Integra, a Prelios Group company, has obtained Antibribery Management Systems certification under UNI ISO 37001, the first international standard on anti-corruption management systems.
08.29.19Prelios Integra obtains UNI ISO 37001 anti-corruption certification GroupMilan, 29 August 2019 – Prelios Integra, a Prelios Group company, has obtained Antibribery Management Systems certification under UNI ISO 37001, the first international standard on anti-corruption management systems.
08.26.19Corporate real estate investments in Italy +54,5% in the first 6 months of 2019 GroupFrom the Prelios Group Market Research report: Milan confirms the expansion phase with investments in the first quarter of 2019 of 1.6 billion euros, +38.9% compared to January-June 2018
08.26.19Corporate real estate investments in Italy +54,5% in the first 6 months of 2019 GroupIn the first six months of 2019, corporate real estate investments (non-residential) saw transactions in Italy of 4.9 billion euros, up 54.5% compared to the first half of 2018 of 3.1 billion euros.
07.24.19Prelios Integra takes part in the EEnvest project funded by Horizon2020 GroupMilano, July 24 2019 - Prelios Integra is one of the partners supporting the European EEnvest project funded by Horizon 2020, the largest program ever implemented by the European Union to promote and support research an
07.10.19Prelios Agency: advisor on the sale of a building in Via Algardi, Milan AgencyThe Prelios Agency Capital Market team acted as advisor on the sale of a property located in Via Algardi 2-4, Milan, which has been purchased by the Inarcassa Re - Comparto Uno real estate fund managed by Fabrica SGR.
07.03.19Prelios Valuations at the 2019 ABI Supervision, Risks & Profitability conference ValuationsPrelios Valuations took part in the ABI Supervision, Risks & Profitability conference held in Rome on June 25 and 26, 2019, the key event on risk management, capital and European supervision.
07.02.19Prelios Agency: exclusive mandate for the Pini Residential Complex in Rome AgencyThe Prelios Agency Residential Team has received an exclusive mandate from the Roma Saxa Rubra S.r.l.
06.18.19Prelios Agency leasing advisor to Savills IM SGR for “The Haitch” building in Viale Sarca 222, Milan AgencyPrelios Agency recently acted as an advisor on the leasing of the remaining 2,650 sq.m of The Haitch, an iconic building in Viale Sarca 222, Milan.
06.14.19Prelios Agency concludes real estate transaction for student accommodation in Turin AgencyPrelios Agency has assisted the Immobiliare Securfondo Fund (Investire SGR S.p.A.) on the transaction for the sale of a building in Via Belfiore 23, Turin. The property has been purchased by Ream SGR S.p.A.
06.06.19Prelios Group Market Research: report on real estate investment in Italy 1Q2019 GroupEncouraging signs from the Italian non-residential real estate investment market in the first quarter of 2019. Investments in commercial assets totaled 1.6 billion euro, a slight increase from 1.5 billion in the year-earlier period.
05.23.19Prelios SGR with the Niche Fund to complete the Porta Vittoria project in Milan GroupThe Prelios Group is to lead the completion of the Porta Vittoria real estate redevelopment in Milan, involving a total surface area of 139,000 square meters adjoining the city center.
05.07.19Prelios Group: agreement signed with Intesa Sanpaolo and Bizzi&Partners for Milanosesto development GroupPrelios Group, Intesa Sanpaolo and Bizzi&Partners Development signed a framework agreement relating to a redevelopment project for the Milanosesto area.
03.26.19New social housing and urban development project presented in Bastia Umbra SGRThe “Insula Viva” housing project is part of Italy’s national plan for new social housing projects drawing on Cassa depositi e prestiti resources
03.26.19New social housing and urban development project presented in Bastia Umbra GroupThe “Insula Viva” housing project is part of Italy’s national plan for new social housing projects drawing on Cassa depositi e prestiti resources
03.22.19Prelios Group: The Italy of the UTPs and NPLs, the new GACS, and the completely new BlinkS platform Group20 March 2019, Claudia Cervini conducts an in-depth interview of Prelios Group CEO Riccardo Serrini for MF Dow Jones.
03.19.19Prelios Group: Tiziano Piemontesi Senior Advisor for the UTP sector GroupTiziano Piemontesi is to work with the Prelios Group as Senior Advisor to the UTP sector.
03.11.19Prelios Group: the new Company Brochure GroupDiscover the new Prelios Group monograph, published to coincide with MIPIM 2019.
03.11.19All About BlinkS: scenarios. The solution GroupFind out more about market scenarios in italy and the characteristics of blinks, the infrastructure for the entire system.
03.06.19Italy property investment market: office and retail sectors the best-performing asset classes, totalling €5.5 billion investments GroupItaly property investment market: encouraging signs came in the last quarter of 2018 when real estate sales totaled €3.3 billion, the highest quarterly value, although down 9.1% compared to Q4 2017.
02.05.19Piacenza: a new social housing project by Prelios SGR and CDP Investimenti SGR SGREx Manifattura Tabacchi: presentation of the plan to redevelop the Infrangibile area with a new park, services and social housing.
02.05.19Piacenza: a new social housing project by Prelios SGR and CDP Investimenti SGR GroupEx Manifattura Tabacchi: presentation of the plan to redevelop the Infrangibile area with a new park, services and social housing.
01.18.19Prelios Immobilien Management: Union Investment renews management contract for LAGO Shopping Center GroupGerman market, Union Investment has renewed its contract with Prelios Immobilien Management for the management of the LAGO shopping mall in Konstanz, a city in southern Germany on Lake Constance, in Baden-Württemberg.
01.11.19Prelios Agency advisor to Air France-KLM in Milan AgencyAir France-KLM recently opened their new Milan offices in Via Battistotti Sassi, 11, in the presence of the airline’s top management including KLM CEO Pieter Elbers.
12.21.18Prelios Group CEO Riccardo Serrini interviewed by Bancaforte GroupAt the ABI Funding & Capital Markets Forum 2018, the Prelios Group presented BlinkS, Italy’s first digital marketplace for loan portfolio trading.
12.17.18Quotidiano Immobiliare Airports and Real Estate Workshop: Alessandro Natoli (Prelios Integra) one of the speakers IntegraThe evolution of the airport concept and its significance for the services world: this was the issue examined during the third panel of the Workshop on Airports and Real Estate organized by Quotidiano Immobiliare.
12.14.18Riccardo Serrini, Prelios Group CEO, interviewed by Jole Saggese of Class CNBC, presents BlinkS, the first digital marketplace for loan portfolio trading Group"The new instrument links buyers and sellers in a completely innovative way" said Serrini.
12.13.18BlinkS. Linking Buyers and Sellers like never before. GroupThe Prelios Group has presented the BlinkS platform, the first digital marketplace for loan portfolio trading.
12.12.18Milan: Porta Vittoria redevelopment with York Capital and Prelios SGR SGRThe resumption of work on the Porta Vittoria district in Milan was officially announced during a public meeting on December 11.
12.03.18Prelios Group Market Research: The investment market in Italy Q3 2018 GroupThe volume of real estate investment in Italy totalled EUR 4.8 billion in the first nine months of 2018, according to a report on Q3 2018 by the Prelios Market Research Group.
11.27.18“Abitare Gentile” project in Foligno: rent controlled housing for 60 families GroupASCI fund (Prelios SGR) and its main investor FIA (CDP Investimenti SGR) key players in the project
11.21.18London, Legance Italian Real Estate Conference. Serrini: asset management tools bringing the credit world and real estate into contact are essential Group"At this market stage, it is increasingly important to have asset management tools linking the credit world with the real estate world.” Prelios CEO Riccardo Serrini was speaking at the Italian Real Estate Conference organized in London by the Leg
11.19.18Prelios Integra assists AEW on the purchase of a building in Rome IntegraPrelios Integra (Prelios Group), the leading provider of integrated Real Estate services in Italy, has assisted AEW on the purchase of a building in Via del Corso, Rome, for the real estate fund "AEW Europe City Retail Fund”.
11.14.18Fico Eataly World: in twelve months, three million visitors, revenues for 50 million euro, 3,000 jobs SGR2.8 million visitors, 90,000 business visitors, 192 days of events and meetings in the conference center, 158,000 participants in courses, guided tours, live experiences, revenues for 50 million euro.
11.13.18Prelios Valuations protagonist at PropTech Monitor Italia ValuationsPrelios Valuations was one of the protagonists at PropTech Monitor Italia, the event devoted to new solutions, technologies and tools for innovation in Real Estate, held on Monday, November 12, 2018, at the Politecnico di Milano.
11.08.18Prelios Integra presents the Durini 18 and Collegio San Carlo projects in Milan IntegraTwo different buildings in terms of history and use, sharing many common elements, from their location – in two of the most exclusive streets in the heart of Milan, in an urban setting of enormous historical importance – to the recent restoration
10.30.18Prelios Credit Servicing: Bruno Camisasca appointed Business Coordination Director Credit ServicingBruno Camisasca has been appointed Business Coordination Director of Prelios Credit Servicing S.p.A. (Prelios Group), one of Italy's leading players in management of non-performing loans (NPLs).
10.25.18Scenari Immobiliari report on real estate services in Italy and Europe: Prelios Integra leader in Property Management with 7.8 million sq.m under management IntegraIn Milan, Scenari Immobiliari has presented its report on real estate services in Italy and Europe.
10.23.18Prelios Group: Fabio Panzeri appointed Chief Operating Officer GroupFabio Panzeri has joined the Prelios Group as Chief Operating Officer, to guarantee and support the consolidation and effective management of Group operations, with a specific focus on achievement of plan targets.
10.22.18Andrea Cornetti speaker at the “Abitare il nostro Tempo” conference SGRA reflection on the important changes on the real estate market with institutions, property funds, architects and experts.
10.18.18ilQI Congress. Natoli: "Territorial redevelopment: the pursuit of quality is essential" Integra"Rigenerare il territorio: borghi e periferie" (territorial redevelopment: suburbs and hinterlands) is the title of the ilQI congress at which Alessandro Natoli, Business Development & Head of Due Diligence and Urban Planning at Prelios Integr
10.17.18Prelios Agency advisor to Air France-KLM for new premises in Milan AgencyPrelios Agency, the Prelios Group’s real estate advisory and broker, has helped the Air France-KLM Group, the world’s largest airline, to find premises for its new offices in Milan.
10.15.18Ardian and Prelios sgr complete the sale of two office buildings in central Milan SGRArdian, a world-leading private investment house, together with Prelios SGR S.p.A. today announces the sale of two office buildings in central Milan to a foreign institutional investor.
10.15.18Prelios Credit Servicing: Fitch confirms “RSS2+” and “CSS2+” ratings Credit ServicingPrelios Credit Servicing (PRECS), an independent institutional company overseen by the Prelios Group that specializes in the management of non-performing loans (NPLs), has received confirmation from the Fitch Ratings
10.12.18Prelios SGR: The ASCI real estate investment fund at the “Fai la cosa giusta Umbria” fair SGRThe ASCI real estate investment fund (Abitare Sostenibile Centro Italia, sustainable living central Italy) managed by Prelios SGR and promoted jointly with CDP-investimenti SGR, Fondazione Housing Sociale and the Consorzio ABN social networ
10.09.18For the second time Prelios Valuations is the partner for the third edition of the National E-Valuations Conference “Property valuations. Real estate culture and market” ValuationsThis year once again Prelios Valuations – one of Italy’s leading property valuers providing professional services with a high technology and innovation content – is to be a partner at the third national conference organized by E-Valuatio
10.08.18Prelios Immobilien Management at EXPO REAL 2018 wins the German Brand Award again with the LAGO Shopping Center in Konstanz GroupPrelios Immobilien Management GmbH, the Prelios Group’s German company specialized in strategic and operational management of commercial and retail properties and portfolios, is at Expo Real, the international real estate trad
10.01.18Riccardo Serrini: banks have to take advantage of the last extension window of the GACS Group“The European Commission has given the go-ahead for the GACS extension, and the expected renewal of securitisation of non-performing loans with state guarantee will expire on 7 March.
10.01.18Prelios Integra: completion of Parco della Torre environmental and urban regeneration project IntegraPrelios Integra (Prelios Group), the leading provider of integrated Real Estate services in Italy, has completed the environmental and urban regeneration project for the Parco della Torre park (formerly Parco delle Magnolie
09.28.18XII Itinerario Previdenziale. Governance, costs and new assets: the right mix for good performance SGRAndrea Cornetti, General Manager of Prelios SGR, speaker at the Itinerari Previdenziali conference
09.27.18Prelios: Riccardo Serrini at the Banca IFIS NPL Meeting GroupThe Banca IFIS NPL Meeting is one of the most important events on debt restructuring and the non-performing loans market at both national and international level.
09.24.18Olinda Fondo Shops (liquidated): The Board of Prelios SGR S.p.A. approves distribution of income for 1.04 million Euro SGRAt a meeting today, the Board of Directors of Prelios SGR S.p.A.
09.20.18Prelios Group Market Research: Investment & Leasing Market, 1H 2018 GroupPrelios Group Market Research has presented the figures for real estate investments in Italy in the first half of 2018.
09.17.18Riccardo Serrini at the 26th Real Estate Scenarios Forum. "A return to efficiency is urgently needed in Italian buildings" GroupIn Italy, housing heavily outweighs the other real estate segments, accounting for more than 80% of the country’s building stock. Moreover, most of the residential stock is outdated, inefficient and unfit for purpose.
09.11.18Prelios Integra focuses on the lifelong learning IntegraThe training course organized by Prelios Integra continues, to divulge and promote technical skills together with value fundamentals, best practices and the company's genetic legacy.
09.06.18Nicolò Tarantino, Prelios Integra CEO, at the ilQI Congress “Services, the protagonists of real estate” IntegraDevelopments in the services sector are driving changes in building management and enhancement.
08.13.18Standard & Poor's confirms an “above average” rating and “stable” outlook for Prelios Credit Servicing Credit ServicingMilan, 13 August 2018 - Prelios Credit Servicing (PRECS), an independent institutional Company supervised by Prelios Group, that specialises in non-performing loans, was rated by S&P Global Ratings as
08.07.18"An ecological hotel, created through the attentive redevelopment of Bologna's former flower and plant market." Architect Massimo Iosa Ghini presents the project for the new FICO Eataly World hotel GroupMassimo Iosa Ghini, the architect whose firm Iosa Ghini Associati [http://www.iosaghini.it/] has been engaged for the FICO Eataly World Hotel project, illustrates the redevelopment of Bologna’
08.06.18FICO Eataly World: Starhotels and PAI Fund (Prelios SGR) sign framework agreement for new hotel lease contract SGRThe A Compartment of the PAI-Parchi Agroalimentari Italiani Fund set up and managed by Prelios SGR has signed a framework leasing agreement with Starhotels for the new Fico Eataly World hotel in Bologna.
08.03.18Prelios Agency: management of property sale in Corso Europa 22, Milan AgencyThe Capital Market team at Prelios Agency has completed the sale of a building in Corso Europa 22 , Milan, for an amount of approximately 34 million Euro.
08.02.18UBI Banca announces the securitization of an NPL portfolio with a GBV of approximately 2.75 billion Euro. An application will be made shortly for GACS on the senior tranche. Prelios Credit Servicing named as Servicer and Special Servicer for the securitiz Credit ServicingOn August 1, 2018 as part of its NPL reduction plan to bring the ratio of gross non-performing loans below the 10% level by end 2019/beginning 2020, UBI Banca announced the transfer to the independent securitization vehicle Maior SPV S.r.l.
07.27.18il QI TV, TG July 25 2018: Prelios Integra has begun the second phase in the renovation of the historic Collegio San Carlo complex IntegraMilan. Prelios Integra has begun the second phase in the renovation of the historic Collegio San Carlo complex located in central Milan. Nicolò Tarantino, Prelios Integra CEO, statement:
07.26.18Prelios Credit Servicing Master and Special Servicer on CR Asti's "Project Maggese" public securitization guarantee Credit ServicingPrelios Credit Servicing – a company in the Prelios Group with assets under management for more than 30 billion Euro – is to act as Master and Special Servicer on the "Maggese" operation arranged by Banca di Asti and Biver
07.25.18Prelios Integra: second phase in Collegio San Carlo project in Milan IntegraPrelios Integra, a company in the Prelios Group and Italy's leading provider of integrated services for real estate, has begun the second phase in the renovation of the historic Collegio San Carlo complex located in central
07.11.18Prelios Credit Servicing (PRECS) Master and Special Servicer on the ICCREA Banca public securitization with GACS guarantee Credit ServicingPrelios Credit Servicing – a company in the Prelios Group, with assets under management for an overall total of more than 26 billion Euro – is to act as Master and Special Servicer on the non-performing loan securitization operation arrange
07.05.18Prelios Group CEO Riccardo Serrini talks to Class CNBC: NPLs, GACS and future Group strategies Group"The extension of GACS, the Italian State's public securitization guarantee, is important for Italian banks because a solid system needs an NPE ratio below a certain level." Prelios Group CEO Riccardo Serrini was interviewed by the editor of Class
07.03.18Prelios Agency strengthens the Network Transaction Team with the arrival of Paolo Iseni AgencyPrelios Agency, the Prelios Group’s real estate advisory and broker, has strengthened its Network Transaction team – led by Luigi Perseghin – with the entry of Paolo Iseni as a Network Agent.
06.27.18Open Week Organised by Prelios Agency at Manifatture Milano from 28 to 30 June AgencyAppointment in the new, large loft at Viale Suzzani 96/98, Milan to tour the complex and seize a unique opportunity.
06.22.18Prelios Credit Servicing (PRECS) Master and Special Servicer in the Banco di Sardegna GACS “4 Mori” Credit ServicingPrelios Credit Servicing – a Prelios Group company that boasts a total of Euro 26 billion of Assets Under Management – will serve as Master and Special Servicer in the "4 Mori" operation of Banco di Sardegna (BPER Group) to securitize a port
06.21.18Prelios Valuations at Proptech Europe, the exhibition on the technological and digital future of real estate ValuationsReal estate and technology: how can they evolve together to transform and manage real estate properties? How can technology support decision-making processes and the management of a proper as an asset and investment?
06.19.18Italian Banking Association (ABI) Banking Union and Basel III Valuations"The banking sector needs a more technological and innovative risk manager,” said Luke Brucato, Head of Business Development of Prelios Valuations, who was interviewed for
06.18.18Andrea Cornetti (DG Prelios SGR) interviewed by Quotidiano Immobiliare on the occasion of the ‘Real estate funds in Italy and abroad’ conference organised by Scenari Immobiliari SGR“The real estate funds sector is mature, but at the same time there is a margin for growth, especially linked to this market’s expansion,” said Andrea Cornetti, General Manager of Prelios SGR, who was interviewed by Quotidiano Immobiliare on the o
06.15.18Prelios Credit Servicing Master and Special Servicer in Project Exodus of Banco BPM Credit ServicingPrelios Credit Servicing (PRECS) – a company belonging to the Prelios Group, which boasts a total of about €26 billion of Assets Under Management – will act as Master and Special Servicer in the transaction to securitize a portfolio of non-perform
06.14.18Prelios Valuations at Banking Union and Basel III - Risk & Supervision 2018 ValuationsPrelios Valuations is participating in Banking Union and Basel III - Risk & Supervision 2018, the ABI Annual Convention on Risk, Risk Management, Capital and European Supervision, which will be held in Rome on 14 and 15 June.
06.13.18Prelios, Valtellina HQ: a symbol of the changing world of work in a constantly growing metropolis IntegraThe new HQ of the Prelios Group in Via Valtellina in Milan used as a case history as part of an important meeting dedicated to the latest frontiers of agile working.
06.13.18Andrea Cornetti SGR
06.13.18Andrea Cornetti at the presentation of Scenari Immobiliari “I fondi immobiliari in Italia e all’estero” SGR“Investment funds are still the main instrument for channelling savings to the real estate sector, despite the rise of some alternative financial instruments”, said Andrea Cornetti, General Manager of Prelios SGR, at the meeting organised by Scena
06.12.18Francesco Zeigner of Deloitte at the launch event for Premium Valuations“Prelios’ solution assists the banking system in monitoring and evaluating real estate”, states Francesco Zeigner, FSI Finance & Risk at Deloitte, during the launch event for Premium, the real estate risk analysis platform from Prelios Valuati
06.12.18Andrea Ciaramella, Associate Professor at Milan Polytechnic at the presentation of Premium ValuationsAndrea Ciaramella, Associate Professor at Milan Polytechnic, commented during the presentation of Premium in the Deloitte Greenhouse: “We were delighted to collaborate in establishing the algorithms which enable Prelios’ Premium to provide forecas
06.11.18Lorenzo Barbagli interviewed by Monitorimmobiliare IntegraLorenzo Barbagli, Business Development of Prelios Integra, interviewed by Monitorimmobiliare, comments about the first ha
06.11.18Claudio Tierno, Real Estate Advisor of Deloitte, at the launch event of Premium ValuationsDuring the launch event of Premium, the real estate risk analysis platform developed by Prelios Valuations, Claudio Tierno, Real Estate Advisor of Deloitte, said: "The technological innovation reduces the perceived risk of the real estate investor
06.08.18The FICO Eataly World TV campaign is on air SGRThe world's largest agri-food park, managed by Eataly World, was developed through the PAI Fund set up by Prelios SGR.
06.08.18Davide Accarino, Account Executive of Microsoft, for Premium ValuationsDavide Accarino describes the role of Microsoft in the Premium project, the real estate risk platform developed by Prelios Valuations, in collabotion with BraVe, spin-off of Politecnico di Milano, Consodata, Agic Technology and Deloitte
06.07.18Francesca Gallo, Account Director of Consodata, per Premium ValuationsFrancesca Gallo describes the role of Consodata in the Premium project, the real estate risk platform developed by Prelios Valuations, in collabotion with BraVe, spin-off of Politecnico di M
06.06.18Luke Brucato at Re Italy Convention Days 2018 - interview Valuations“Viewed from above, property values in the Italian peninsula seem to be stationary, but when you get down to territorial level you find a varied situation with areas of excellence as well as non-evident risks,” said Luke Brucato, Head of Business
06.06.18Luigi Villanova, Associate Partner of Agic Technology, for Premium ValuationsLuigi Villanova describes the role of Agic Technology in the Premium project, the real estate risk platform developed by Prelios Valuations, in collabotion with BraVe, spin-off of Politecnico di Milano, Microsoft, Consodata and Deloitte.
06.05.18Alessandro Natoli, Business Development & Head of Due Diligence and Urban Planning of Prelios Integra, interwieved at RE Italy Convention Days 2018 Integra“In 2017 turnover in the tourism and hotel sector accounted for approximately 7% of GDP, or more than 10% including ancillary industries,” said Alessandro Natoli, Business Development & Head of Due Diligence and Urban Planning at Prelios Integ
06.04.18The Prelios Group at RE Italy Convention Days 2018 GroupThe Prelios Group will be present at RE Italy Convention Days 2018 (http://www.reitaly.it/), the leading Italian Real Estate convention, to be held on June 5-6 at Borsa Italiana in Palazzo Mezza
06.01.18Prelios Integra wins Invimit SGR tender for management of property assets IntegraFollowing a public call for tenders, Invimit SGR − an asset manager of the Italian Ministry of Economy & Finance − has selected Prelios Integra, a company in the Prelios Group and the leading provider of integrated
06.01.18Milan Mayor Giuseppe Sala: companies that create employment deserve respect. A focus on young people SGRAt times like these, companies that create employment deserve respect,” said the Mayor of Milan, Giuseppe Sala, during the opening of the Prelios Group’s new HQ.
05.31.18Attilio Fontana, Chairman of the Lombardy Regional Council: "an important event" GroupSpeaking at the opening of the new Prelios HQ in Milan, the Chairman of the Lombardy Regional Council Attilio Fontana – who visited the Group's offices designed in line with modern smart-working concepts – said: “It's a pleasure to take part in th
05.31.18Fabrizio Palenzona: the challenge of working in a great metropolis GroupFabrizio Palenzona: the challenge of working in a great metropolis “Working in a huge city like Milan, which is investing in the future, is an extremely important challenge,” says Prelios Group Chairman Fabrizio Palenzona.
05.31.18Andrea Cornetti, General Manager of Prelios SGR: very encouraging first six months at FICO Eataly World SGRFICO Eataly World has got off to a good start in the six months since it opened: 1,500,000 visitors, three quarters from outside Bologna and 8% from outside Italy, generating revenues of 25.9 million Euro for FICO's restaurants, stores, laboratori
05.31.18Palenzona: "Prelios looks ahead, but it has a rich past of expertise and values " - Interview on Mediaset Tg5 GroupMediaset’s Canale5 channel, the Tg5 news program on May 30, 2018. A TV report by Lorenzo Montersoli on the opening of the Prelios Group’s new HQ in Milan, with the Group Chairman Fabrizio Palenzona and CEO Riccardo Serrini.
05.31.18Riccardo Serrini, Prelios Group CEO: "New offices, new shareholder, new energy and new ideas" Group"Today we mark a watershed moment for the Prelios Group. New offices, new shareholder, new energy and new ideas." The Group CEO, Riccardo Serrini, was speaking at the official opening of the new HQ in Via Valtellina in Milan.
05.31.18Prelios for Vidas at the opening of the new HQ GroupDuring the opening of the Prelios Group’s new headquarters, there was also room for a social initiative promoted by the Group in favor of an important association active in Milan and Lombardy.
05.29.18L. Brucato: Prelios Valuations Premium platform gives risk managers a complete vision ValuationsThe new Prelios Valuations PREMIUM platform enables banks, investors, insurers and real estate managers to broaden their understanding of trends on the property market, by moving from observation based on prices and transactions to a
05.29.18Prelios Valuations: G. Corsini, Premium is the first in a series of new projects ValuationsIdentification of possible future losses on real-estate-backed loans, in compliance with the new IFRS 9 financial reporting standard, ECB regulations and the Bank of Italy’s Circular 285.
05.29.18Prelios: new HQ, new Group GroupOfficial opening of the Prelios Group's new offices in Via Valtellina 15/17, Milan. Chairman Fabrizio Palenzona and CEO Riccardo Serrini, together with all the Group managers, greeted the many guests who attended the opening.
05.25.18Prelios SGR receives “Best Practice Public Assets” award in the “Real estate enhancement” section SGRAt the Forum PA 2018 congress, Prelios SGR and the Municipality of Castel San Pietro Terme (Bologna) were awarded the “Best Practice Public Assets” prize in the “Real estate enhancement” section, for the Fondo Infrastrutture Scolastiche fund.
05.25.18Prelios: announcing Premium, the new Big Data Analytics tool for valuation of real estate assets and guarantees ValuationsIdentification of possible future losses on real-estate-backed loans, in compliance with the new IFRS 9 financial reporting standard, ECB regulations and the Bank of Italy’s Circular 285.
05.25.18New headquarters, new Prelios Group GroupMonday May 28 sees the official opening of Prelios’ new offices in Via Valtellina in Milan.
05.22.18Prelios SGR creates School Infrastructure Fund - The new real estate fund is intended for the renovation and development of school buildings SGRMilan, May 22, 2018 – Prelios SGR has launched a newly established alternative real estate investment fund, named Fondo Infrastrutture Scolastiche, to invest in buildings intended for schools and related activities.
05.18.18Prelios Agency advisor to Beni Stabili SIIQ for property leasing in Milan AgencyMilan, May 18, 2018 – Prelios Agency, the Prelios Group's real estate advisory and broker, has assisted Beni Stabili SIIQ, the leading property company on the Milan offices market, in leasing a building located in Via Vitto
05.18.18Prelios Group Market Research: Q1 2018 results - Italy Investment Market GroupIn Q1 2018, the Italian property investment market reached €1.4 billion, down by 20.1% compared to the same period of the previous year.
05.17.18Prelios Integra CEO Nicolò Tarantino interviewed by ilQI on the margins of the one-day Progetti d’Italia event IntegraInterviewed by ilQI on the margins of the one-day Progetti d’Italia event at the Innovation Campus in Milan, Prelios Integra CEO Nicolò Tarantino summed up the 2017 business year: Prelios Integra closed the year with an increase in assets under ma
05.15.18Prelios Agency: Michele Manfredi named as Leasing Associate AgencyMilan, May 15, 2018 – Prelios Agency, the Prelios Group’s real estate advisory and broker, has strengthened its Institutional Leasing team led by Mauro Fiori with the entry of Michele Manfredi as a Leasin
05.11.18FICO Eataly World: the future Hotel showcased at Progetti d'Italia IntegraPrelios Integra CEO Nicolò Tarantino: “FICO is a perfect example of Project Management”
05.10.18Video Interview: Antonio Chiatellino, Prelios Agency CEO AgencyPrelios Agency CEO Antonio Chiatellino analyzes 2017, a year of growth from previous periods, and current trends indicate 2018 will be even better: in the first quarter of the year, Prelios Agency has already leased properties for a total of more
05.09.18Prelios Credit Servicing relaunches the advertising campaign for the sale of ValVerde complex in Loreto Credit ServicingLoreto, May 9, 2018 - Prelios Credit Servicing, a Prelios Group company and the leading independent servicer in the management and enhancement of non-performing loans, is relaunching the communication campaign for the sale of the new
05.08.18Arcadia Center project presented by Mauro Fiori, Prelios Agency, and Giuseppe Tortato Architect Agency“Flexible spaces, energy certification and easy access to public transport: these are the main factors driving the growth of the office properties market in Italy, especially in Milan and Rome,” comments Mauro Fiori, Head of Institutional Leasing
05.03.18Prelios Agency awarded exclusive mandate to sell individual properties in a residential building in Milan AgencyMilan, May 3, 2018 – The Prelios Agency Residential team led by Gian Claudio Casella has been engaged by Reale Immobili as the exclusive agent for the sale of a tower block in Piazzale Nigra 1, Milan.
05.02.18New corporate video for Prelios Agency AgencyA short video to discover Prelios Agency and its complete range of specialized services on specific market segments and client types.
05.02.18New corporate video for Prelios Valuations ValuationsA short video to discover Prelios Valuations, and its professional services marked by a high degree of technological and innovative content.
05.02.18New corporate video for Prelios Integra IntegraA short video to discover Prelios Integra, leader in Italy in the sector of integrated property & building management services, project & construction management, engineering, due diligence, urban planning and real estate advisory and HSE,
05.02.18New corporate video for Prelios SGR SGRA short video to discover Prelios SGR, one of the leading asset and fund management firms in Italy, active in the management of traditional funds and in experimental and innovative sectors.
05.02.18New corporate video for Prelios Credit Servicing Credit ServicingA short video to discover Prelios Credit Servicing, a player of excellence in the non performing exposures sector.
05.02.18The new Prelios Group Company Profile GroupClick here to browse our new company profile. Learn more about the Prelios Group and its business activities. Browse
04.27.18Prelios Group: 2017 consolidated financial statements. Revenues +5%, EBIT +72%, NFP reflects liquidity of € 1.3 million GroupPTO on Prelios shares exceeds 95%: squeeze-out with sole shareholder Lavaredo S.p.A.
04.24.18Prelios Valuations presents Premium ValuationsOn May 24, 2018, at the Deloitte Greenhouse in Via Tortona 25, Milan, Prelios Valuations will be presenting Premium, the new property risk analysis platform developed by Prelios Valutations in collaboration with BRaVE m&t (a spin-
04.16.18The comment of Andrea Cornetti on "FICO", named as winner in the “Best Shopping Center" category at the 2018 MIPIM Awards SGR"FICO Eataly World is a highly innovative project that celebrates Italian excellence in food and agriculture." The comment comes from Prelios SGR COO Andrea Cornetti, on the Prelios project named as winner in the “Best Shopping Center" category at
04.16.18R. Serrini, CEO Prelios, at the event promoted by Assoimmobiliare to celebrate Italy's successes at the 2018 MIPIM Awards GroupThe strengths of an all-Italian project that has won worldwide success, from the MIPIM Awards in Cannes to the recommendation of The New York Times.
04.16.18Prelios Integra: Lina Scavuzzo at the Le Città del Futuro seminar organized by the RICS IntegraOn the occasion of the worldwide Cities for our Future Challenge (www.citiesforourfuture.com), the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) offers an opportunity for reflection and discussion on the future of our cities.
04.11.18Prelios Integra: agreement completed with the Amissima Insurance Group for the management of real estate assets IntegraPrelios Integra, a company of the Prelios Group and leader in the field of integrated real estate services, and the Amissima Insurance Group, which operates in the area of personal and property risks, have finalised an agreeme
04.10.18Celebrations in Milan for the Italian MIPIM Awards GroupThe Italian Real Estate Community met up in Milan on April 5 to celebrate the country’s success at the 2018 MIPIM Awards in Cannes.
04.09.18Prelios Credit Servicing: Open Day in Milan, interview with GM Stefano Montuschi Credit ServicingThursday April 12 and Tuesday April 17 in cooperation with Hays
04.09.18Prelios Agency: from Polis Fondi SGR an exclusive mandate to lease office building in Milan AgencyPrelios Agency, a Prelios Group company specializing in property advisory and brokerage services, has received an exclusive mandate from Polis Fondi SGR S.p.A. to lease the vacant premises in an office building located in Milan, in V
04.05.18Danilo Ratti, Head of Technical Management of Prelios SGR at the Deep Renovation Conference SGRDanilo Ratti, Head of Technical Management at Prelios SGR, spoke on Thursday, 5 April 2018, as a speaker at the Deep Renovation Conference, organised in Milan by the National Council of Commercial Centres.
04.04.18Prelios Integra: Property Management mandate from Zurich IntegraMilan, 4 April 2018 - Prelios Integra, a company of the Prelios Group and a leader in the field of integrated real estate services in Italy, received a property management mandate from Zurich Insurance plc - General Representa
03.28.18MIPIM 2018: Riccardo Serrini at the Chiomenti Conference GroupIn this edition of MIPIM, New Frontiers for Italian Real Estate was the name of the traditional Chiomenti conference, as always one of the most important events in Cannes.
03.16.18Prelios @ MIPIM2018: Alessandro Natoli Integra"The market has picked up again. The long wave of NPLs is having a positive impact on the property sector. And Prelios Integra offers all the services investors need to enhance their real estate assets." Alessandro Natoli
03.16.18Prelios @ MIPIM2018: Giampaolo Corsini Valuations"Prelios Valuations has achieved strong growth on the property valuation market, both in loan services – where we are one of the top providers with more than 80,000 valuations a year in Italy – and in full appraisals, where we have reached levels
03.16.18Prelios @ MIPIM2018: Luigi Aiello Group"MIPIM 2018 marks a strong return for the Prelios Group and for Italy. It’s time to roll up our sleeves and get busy. The sector needs outstanding professional expertise and our Group is fully qualified to meet the challenge."
03.16.18Prelios @ MIPIM2018: Luke Brucato ValuationsPreview of Premium, the property risk assessment platform developed by Prelios Valuations.
03.16.18Prelios @ MIPIM2018: Nicolò Tarantino Integra"2017 was a very important year for Prelios Integra. We tendered for more than 300 contracts, winning at least half of them, and were awarded a large number of new mandates, many from high-profile funds.
03.16.18Prelios @ MIPIM2018: Lorenzo Barbagli Integra"Last year Prelios Integra consolidated its leadership in property management, a position recognized in the Scenari Immobiliari rankings.
03.16.18CLASS CNBC linea mercati del 15 marzo 2018 Credit ServicingEconomia. MIPIM, Salone Internazionale Immobiliare 2018 a Cannes - Francia. Intervista Riccardo Serrini (CEO Prelios).
03.16.18TGCOM 24 del 15 marzo 2018 Credit ServicingSistema Bancario. Addendum BCE sui NPL. Interviste: Riccardo Serrini (CEO Prelios); Antonio Tajani (Parlamento Europeo).
03.15.18The Prelios Group: Fico Eataly World wins at the 2018 MIPIM Awards GroupCannes, 15 March 2018 – The FICO Eataly World project, funded by Prelios SGR through Fondo PAI - Parchi Agroalimentari Italiani (the PAI Fund - Italian Agri-food Parks), and managed by Eataly World, has been decl
03.15.18Prelios Agency: an exclusive mandate from Castello SGR for lease of prestigious Milan property AgencyPrelios Agency has received an exclusive mandate from Castello SGR for the lease of offices in a prestigious property in Milan.
03.15.18Prelios Agency: an exclusive mandate for the sale of an office building in Milan AgencyMilan, 15 march 2018 - The Prelios Agency Capital Market team has been exclusively appointed to sell a property located in Milan, Via Algardi 2.
03.14.18Riccardo Serrini speaker at the conference organized at MIPIM by Studio Chiomenti GroupRiccardo Serrini, General Manager of Prelios Group, was a speaker at the conference called “The New Frontiers of Italian Real Estate” organized at MIPIM in Cannes by Studio Chiomenti in order to discuss the Italian real estate and NPL market situa
03.13.18Premium, the new risk analysis platform. Preview at MIPIM 2018 by Prelios Valuations ValuationsCannes, 13 March 2018 - Prelios Valuations shows a preview of the new Premium platform at MIPIM 2018 (Prelios Group booth: R7.D32).
03.13.18Milano, Durini18: conservative restoration in the heart of Milano's design district IntegraMilano, 13 March 2018 - Conservative Restoration has been recently carried out by Prelios Integra on a 19th century building, listed as protected by the Italian Architectural Heritage Department, located in Milan’s city centre.
03.12.18News from MIPIM: the Prelios Group launches its new corporate video GroupThe Prelios Group’s new corporate video: a dynamic way to explore a unique player in the Italian Real Estate sector. Discover the full offer of Prelios services for all client needs and requirements.
03.12.18Prelios Agency acts as advisor to Investire SGR for the leasing of a property that will house the new Volkswagen HQ AgencyMilan, 12 March 2018 – Prelios Agency acted as an advisor for the Fondo Immobilium 2001, the alternative closed-ended real estate fund for the public (retail), managed by Investire SGR S.p.A. for the lease
03.10.18Siemens Italia and Prelios Integra together for energy efficiency and the digitalization of buildings: Nicolò Tarantino and Fabio Del Prete interviewed on radio RAI GR1 IntegraSiemens and Prelios Integra joined: the two Companies announce cooperation on digital technology projects for buildings, focusing on increasing the value of properties through energy savings and building performance sustainability.
03.10.18Fico Eataly World is one of the four italian finalist projects of the 2018 Mipim Awards GroupThe only italian project in the best shopping centre category
03.08.18Prelios SGR: Fico Eataly World is one of the four italian finalist projects of the 2018 MIPIM Awards. The only italian project in the best shopping centre category SGRThe FICO Eataly World project, financed by Prelios SGR through the Fondo PAI - Parchi Agroalimentari Italiani (PAI Fund - Italian Agri-food parks) and managed by Eataly World, is one of the four Italian finalist projects of the 2018 MIPIM Awards.
03.02.18The Prelios Group at MIPIM GroupMaking its return to MIPIM (www.mipim.com), the biggest international real estate event that will be held in Cannes from 13 to 16 March 2018 in the Palais des Festivals, is the Prelios Group, with its own stand (in Riviera 7, area R7 D32) to showc
02.28.18Tecla Fondo Uffici - Prelios SGR S.p.A. approves the final liquidation statement of the fund as at 23 february 2018 and the related division plan SGRThe Board of Directors of Prelios SGR S.p.A.
02.22.18Prelios Group Market Research: Full Year 2017 Results AgencyIn 2017, the Italian investment market continued its positive trend and reached the level of €11 billion, recording a total growth of 32.1% compared to 2015, since the corporate market bounced back from the crisis.
02.14.18Prelios Integra: conservation intervention completed for buildings B / C of Collegio San Carlo in Central Milan IntegraMilan, 14 February 2018 – Prelios Integra, a member company of the Prelios Group and a leader in the integrated real estate services sector, oversaw the conservation intervention carried out on the building complex of Milan’s Coll
02.05.18Nicola Arcaini (Prelios Valuations), interviewed by Monitorimmobiliare during the RE Italy Winter Forum 2018 ValuationsIn 2017 Prelios Integra advised investors in real estate transactions for a value of 1 billion euros. Recently, moreover, the new engineering business line was started and according to a study of Il Sole 24 Ore is among the top 20 in Italy.
02.05.18Gian Claudio Casella elected Director of the F.I.M.A.A. of Milan, Monza and Brianza AgencyMilan, 05 february 2018 – Gian Claudio Casella, Head of Residential at Prelios Agency, a company that forms part of the Prelios Group and is one of the leading Italian operators in real e
01.30.18Tecla offices fund Prelios Sgr approves the interim liquidation statement at 31 december 2017 - the NAV is 61.13 euro per share; total NAV 39.5 million euro SGRThe Board of Directors of Prelios SGR S.p.A. (the “SGR”) today approved the interim liquidation statement report at 31 December 2017 of the “Tecla - Offices Fund” (the "Fund").
01.30.18Maria Pia Forgione, Head of Full Appraisals Prelios Valuations, interviewed by Monitorimmobiliare ValuationsMaria Pia Forgione, Head of Full Appraisals Prelios Valuations, interviewed by Monitorimmobiliare during RE Italy Winter Forum 2018, talks about the real estate market forecasts and the importance of a correct evaluation of the real estate asset
01.26.18Nicolò Tarantino, CEO of Prelios Integra, at RE Italy Winter Forum 2018 IntegraNicolò Tarantino, Managing Director of Prelios Integra, addressed the RE Italy Winter Forum 2018 on January 25, at the headquarters of Borsa Italiana, during the session dedicated to real estate services.
01.26.18Riccardo Serrini, General Manager Prelios Group and CEO Prelios Credit Servicing, at RE Italy Winter Forum 2018 Credit Servicing“Until now a great deal has been said and a lot of deals announced, but now many banks are getting in line and are ready.
01.26.18Andrea Cornetti, General Director of Prelios SGR, awarded for the FICO Eataly World project SGRMIlan, 26 january 2018 - Andrea Cornetti, General Manager of Prelios SGR, was awarded a prize during the eighth edition of the RE Italy Winter Forum 2018 for the FICO Eataly World project which, at the prestigious award ceremony, he defined as
01.26.18Maria Pia Forgione, Head of Full Appraisals Prelios Valuations, a RE Italy Winter Forum 2018 Valuations“Market analysis is the basis for the proper evaluation of real estate projects but the real estate market in Italy is more challenging than in other countries, given the low degree of transparency and data homogeneity,” commented M
01.26.18Andrea Cornetti, General Director Prelios SGR, awarded for the FICO Eataly World project GroupAndrea Cornetti, General Manager of Prelios SGR, was awarded a prize during the eighth edition of the RE Italy Winter Forum 2018 for the FICO Eataly World project which, at the prestigious award ceremony, he defined as “a project conceived as
01.26.18Nicolò Tarantino, CEO of Prelios Integra, at RE Italy Winter Forum 2018 Group“In the real estate life cycle, management costs are an important factor. Thus, maintaining high-quality services is essential to increasing the value of a property.” - declared Nicolò Tarantino -
01.09.18Prelios Agency: Fabio Cappatti appointed Network Agent AgencyMilan, 9 January 2018 – Prelios Agency, a company in the Prelios Group and one of Italy’s leading real estate brokers, is strengthening its management team with the addition of Fabio Cappatti as N
12.22.17Prelios - servizio Tg5 e Class CNBC ore 13.00 del 21.12.2017 su accordo Prelios Integra - Siemens Italia IntegraPrelios Integra e Siemens Italia annunciano la collaborazione su progetti nell’ambito delle tecnologie digitali per gli edifici, puntando alla valorizzazione degli immobili attraverso il risparmio energetico e la building performance sustainabilit
12.21.17Tecla fondo uffici: decision to issue a partial refund of 38.66 euros per unit SGRHaving completed the action taken to dispose of the residual real estate portfolio of the "Tecla - Fondo Uffici" fund (the "Fund"), as mentioned in the press release of 6 December last, Prelios SGR S.p.A.
12.20.17Siemens Italia and Prelios Integra together for energy efficiency and the digitalization of buildings IntegraSiemens and Prelios Integra are joining forces: the two Companies announce cooperation on digital technology projects for buildings, focusing on increasing the value of properties through energy savings and building performance sustainability.
12.20.17Siemens Italia and Prelios Integra together for energy efficiency and the digitalization of buildings IntegraSiemens and Prelios Integra are joining forces: the two Companies announce cooperation on digital technology projects for buildings, focusing on increasing the value of properties through energy savings and building performance sustainability.
12.20.17Siemens Italia and Prelios Integra together for energy efficiency and the digitalization of buildings GroupMilan, December 20, 2017
12.18.17FICO SU CLASS CNBC SAPORI E PROFUMI 17/12/2017 GroupBologna: dietro le quinte di Fico, il parco agroalimentare più grande del mondo. Interviste a Oscar Farinetti, Tiziana Primori, Virginio Merola, Joe Bastianich, Andrea Cornetti, DG di Prelios SGR
12.14.17Prelios Agency appoints Nicola Giorgini as Head of Capital Market AgencyMilan, 14 December 2017 – Prelios Agency, a company belonging to the Prelios Group and one of the major players in the Italian property brokerage sector, reinforces its management with the addition of
12.01.17Family & Friends presso Residenze Malaspina AgencyPrelios Agency ha organizzato per domani 2 dicembre alle Residenze Malaspina di Pioltello un Family & Friends natalizio dedic
11.22.17Andrea Cornetti for Scenari Immobiliari SGRAndrea Cornetti, General Manager of Prelios SGR, spoke at the presentation of the updating supplement of the 2017 real estate funds report titled “Italian and International Property Funds” organized by
11.22.17Prelios Agency advises C2 Investment Fund in the lease of the innovative "The Haitch" building in Milan AgencyMilan, 22 November 2017 – Prelios Agency was the exclusive advisor to C2 Investment Fund, a fund managed by Savills Investment Management SGR S.p.A., in the leasing of “The Haitch”, a property
11.16.17FICO Eataly World inauguration SGRFor one day, its inauguration day, FICO Eataly World was not only the mecca of the Made in Italy brand in the agri-food sector, but also the symbol of the potential of the Italian economic system.
11.14.17Journey @Prelios Group
11.13.17Tg5 delle ore 20:00, 8 novembre 2017 SGRBologna. Sarà inaugurato la prossima settimana FICO, Fabbrica Italiana contadina, il più grande parco agroalimentare del mondo, nato grazie a un fondo immobiliare gestito da Prelios
11.13.17Class CNBC - Class Life, 11-12 novembre 2017 SGRFICO Eataly World, più grande parco agroalimentare nel mondo. Interviste: Oscar Farinetti, Tiziana Primori, Virginio Merola, Joe Bastianich, Andrea Cornetti.
11.10.17Andrea Cornetti, DG di Prelios SGR, per FICO su Class CNBC SGRPresentato ieri, 9 novembre 2017, a Bologna, la “Disneyland del cibo", FICO Eataly World.
11.10.17Rai 3 - TGR delle ore 19:30, 9 novembre 2017 SGRFICO Eataly World partirà il 15 novembre. Visita in anteprima. Interviste Andrea Segrè, Oscar Farinetti, Tiziana Primori e Andrea Cornetti.
11.06.17Prelios at Bocconi &Jobs Group
10.27.17Exceptional location of the Board of Directors’ Meeting of Prelios SGR S.p.A. on 26 October SGRThe Board of Directors’ Meeting of Prelios SGR S.p.A., chaired by Mario Anolli, took place in Bologna on the premises of FICO Eataly World.
10.26.17Tecla fondo uffici: Prelios SGR approves the Interim Report as at 30 September 2017 SGRThe Board of Directors of Prelios SGR S.p.A.
10.26.17Tecla fondo uffici disposal of the residual real estate portfolio SGRWith reference to the disposal of the residual real estate portfolio of the "Tecla - Fondo Uffici" fund (the "Fund") and following the press release of 29 September 2017, Prelios SGR S.p.A.
10.26.17Prelios Valuations at the Credito al Credito conference organised by ABI ValuationsPrelios Valuations will take part in this year’s Credito al Credito, ABI’s conference on credit for people and businesses which will be held in Rome on 26 and 27 October 2017.
10.17.17Nicola Arcaini, Head of Loan Services at Prelios Valuations, interviewed during the event "Valutazioni Immobiliari: cultura & mercato del Real Estate" ValuationsNicola Arcaini, Head of Loan Services at Prelios Valuations, was interviewed during the event "Valutazioni Immobiliari: cultura & mercato del Real Estate" [Property Valuation: the culture of Real Estate and the property market].
10.06.17Prelios Sgr introduces new social housing initiatives for the Umbria Region through the Asci Fund SGRIn the run-up to the Fa’ la cosa giusta fair in Bastia Umbria today, the ASCI (Fondo Abitare Sostenibile Centro Italia) property investment Fund, managed by Preli
09.29.17Tecla Fondo Uffici: Divestment of the fund’s residual property portfolio SGRWith regard to the divestment of the residual property portfolio of “Tecla - Fondo Uffici” (the “Fund”) and with reference to the press releases dated 17 July and 1 August 2017, Prelios SGR S.p.A.
09.26.17Prelios Valuations at the National E-Valuations Conference in Mantua ValuationsMilan, September 26 - 2017 – Prelios Valuations & e-Services S.p.A., a Prelios Group company specialised in valuations and related professional services for buildings and real estate assets, regulated by the RICS - Royal
09.25.17Prelios Valuations at the National E-Valuations Conference in Mantua ValuationsPrelios Valuations & e-Services S.p.A., a Prelios Group company specialised in valuations and related professional services for buildings and real estate assets, regulated by the RICS - Royal Institution o
08.30.17Nettuno TV - Bologna. FICO Eataly World – the world’s largest agri-food park will open on November 15th, 2017 SGRPlease see below the Nettuno TV newscast of August 29 regarding the opening of Fico Eataly World.
08.29.17FICO Eataly World – the world’s largest agri-food park in Bologna, Italy – will open on November 15th, 2017 SGRFICO Eataly World – the world’s largest agri-food park in Bologna, Italy – will open on November 15th, 2017.
08.08.17Prelios SGR: acquisition of two real estate complexes in Milan and Rome SGRPrelios SGR S.p.A., a Prelios Group company, closed two important property acquisitions in Rome and Milan through two real estate investment funds managed by the Compa
08.01.17Tecla Fondo Uffici: divestment of the residual property portfolio of the fund SGRWith reference to the divestment of the residual property portfolio of the fund "Tecla - Fondo Uffici" ("Fund"), as a follow-up to the press release of July 17, 2017, Prelios SGR S.p.A.
07.27.17Fondo Tecla: Prelios SGR S.p.A. BoD approves the management report as at 30 June 2017 SGRThe Board of Directors of Prelios SGR S.p.A.
07.18.17Fondo Tecla: disposal of the remaining assets in the fund's property portfolio SGRThis press release is in relation to the disposal of the remaining assets in the property portfolio of the “Tecla – Fondo Uffici” fund (the “Tecla Fund”), and follows the press release of 29 J
07.11.17Prelios Agency: Advisor for Venfil and Zte in important real estate transactions in Milan and Rome AgencyMilan, 11 July 2017 – Prelios Agency acted as advisor for Venfil in the acquisition of a detached property of about 2,000 sq.m.
06.30.17Tecla Fondo Uffici - Divestment Of The Fund’s Residual Property Portfolio SGRAs regards the divestment of the residual property portfolio of "Tecla - Fondo Uffici" (the "Tecla Fund"), reference is made to the press release dated 1 June 2017 informing the market that, as part of the current negotiations with the t
06.21.17Prelios Credit Servicing: Fitch Confirms “Rss2+” and “Css2+” Rating Credit Servicing
06.19.17Real Estate Pills del 19 giugno, 2017 ValuationsEconomia Banche venete, ok UE a congelare rimborso bond
06.19.17Real Estate Pills del 19 giugno, 2017 AgencyEconomia Banche venete, ok UE a congelare rimborso bond
06.15.17Luke Jonathan Brucato took part at the convention: "Unione Bancaria e Basilea 3 - Risk & Supervision 2017" ValuationsLuke Jonathan Brucato, Head of Business Development of Prelios Valuations & e-Services, took part, as spokesman, at the convention: ""Unione Bancaria e Basilea 3 - Risk & Supervision 2017", promoted by ABI.
06.14.17Alessandro Busci took part at the convention: “Fondi Immobiliari: le nuove asset class” promoted by AGIDI SGRAlessandro Busci, Head of Business Development, Fund Raising & Fund Management of Prelios Sgr, took part at the convention: “Fondi Immobiliari: le nuove asset class” promoted by AGIDI.
06.12.17Real Estate Pills del 12 giugno, 2017 ValuationsEconomia Istat: produzione industria a -0,4% su mese
06.10.17Alessandro Busci interviewed by IlQI at the end of the convention promoted by Scenari Immobiliari SGRAlessandro Busci, Head of Business Development, Fund Raising & Fund Management of Prelios Sgr, interviewed by Il Quotidiano Immobiliare, at the end of the launch of the Report 2017
06.02.17Giampaolo Corsini interviewed at the end of Re Italy 2017 ValuationsGiampaolo Corsini, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Prelios Valuations & e-Services, interviewed by MonitorImmobiliare, at the end of the recent RE ITALY Convention Day 2017, that took place at Palazzo Mezzanotte in Milan
06.01.17Tecla Fondo Uffici - Divestment of the Fund’s Residual Property Portfolio SGRAs regards the divestment of the residual property portfolio of "Tecla - Fondo Uffici" (the "Fund"), it was announced that, as part of the current negotiations with the two potential buyers - as announced in the press releases on
05.26.17Prelios at the Re Italy Convention Day 2017 GroupThe recent edition of the Re Italy Convention Day 2017 saw the participation of several managers from Prelios. The event, sponsored by the publication Monitor Immobiliare, was staged on the premises of the Italian Stock Exchange on 25 May.
05.23.17Fondo PAI investors visit the FICO-Fabbrica Italiana Contadina worksite SGRThe representatives of the investors taking part in the Fondo Parchi Agroalimentari Italiani (PAI) visited the FICO, Fabbrica Italiana Contadina worksite in Bologna, which is set to become the largest agri-food pa
05.23.17Press Release Prelios SGR - Bologna: Fondo Pai Investors Visit the Fico-Fabbrica Italiana Contadina Worksite SGRThe representatives of the investors taking part in the Fondo Parchi Agroalimentari Italiani (PAI) visited the FICO, Fabbrica Italiana Contadina works
05.22.17Real Estate Pills del 22 maggio, 2017 ValuationsEconomia Istat: rivede a rialzo stime PIL Italia, +1%
05.15.17CLASS CNBC - Riccardo Serrini interviewed about Npl Credit Servicing
04.28.17Press Release Prelios Sgr - Tecla Fondo Uffici - BoD Approves the Interim Report as at 31 March 2017 SGRThe Board of Directors of
04.28.17The Shareholders’ Meeting of Prelios Sgr Have Convened and Appointed a New BoD SGRThe Shareholders’ Meeting of Prelios SGR S.p.A., which have convened today to approve, inter alia, the renewal of the management body that has reached its term, has appointed a new Board of Directors.
04.18.17Real Estate Pills del 18 aprile, 2017 ValuationsEconomia Istat: nel 2015, in Italia, 4,5 mln in “povertà assoluta”
04.18.17Real Estate Pills del 18 aprile, 2017 AgencyEconomia Istat: nel 2015, in Italia, 4,5 mln in “povertà assoluta”
04.10.17Real Estate Pills del 10 aprile, 2017 AgencyEconomia Istat: la produzione industriale segna +1% a febbraio
03.22.17Prelios Group: The Prestigious Leed Green Building Certification Awarded to a Property Owned by “Primo RE” Real Estate Fund SGRPrelios Group announces that the property in Milan, Via Silvio Pellico 4, the place of Hotel Room Mate Giulia, has received the “LEED Gold” certificat
03.20.17Real Estate Pills del 20 marzo, 2017 AgencyEconomia G20: Usa insistono perché scompaia lotta a protezionismo
03.16.17Quotidiano Immobiliare - Andrea Cornetti attended a talk at Mipim 2017 SGRAndrea Cornetti, General Manager of Prelios Sgr, attended a talk, organized by IlQI, at last M
03.13.17Real Estate Pills del 13 marzo, 2017 AgencyEconomia Istat: produzione industriale a gennaio -2,3% su mese, -0,5% anno
02.28.17Prelios Sgr Approves The Management Report As At 31 December 2016 SGRToday’s meeting of the Board of Directors of Prelios SGR S.p.A. approved the Management Report as at 31 December 2016 for the listed property fund Tecla – Fondo Uffici.
02.27.17Real Estate Pills del 27 febbraio, 2017 AgencyEconomia Cambi: euro stabile, cala sterlina per timori nuovi referendum Scozia
02.20.17Real Estate Pills del 20 febbraio, 2017 AgencyEconomia Ocse rivede in miglioramento le stime del Pil: +1% nel 2017
02.16.17FICO dagli occhi dei protagonisti: Ecco come stiamo realizzando il sogno di Eataly World SGRIl racconto di Thomas Bartoli sulla Fabbrica Italiana Contadina La visione digitale e futurista secondo Ratti e Letterini
02.16.17Prelios Sgr: Preliminary Agreement Signed for the Sale of 6 Properties to Ardian Real Estate SGRCloe Fondo Uffici, a reserved real estate AIF established in 2004 and specialized in the service-office sector, managed by Prelios SGR S.p.A., entered into a preliminary purchase agree
02.13.17Real Estate Pills del 13 febbraio, 2017 AgencyEconomia Istat: vola produzione industriale, a dicembre segna un +6,6%
02.12.17MONITORIMMOBILIARE.IT - Luke Brucato interviewed at the end of the conference: "Rendiamo solido il mattone" ValuationsLuke Brucato, Head of business development of Prelios Valuations, interviewed at the end of the conference: "Rendiamo solido il mattone", promoted by Consiglio Nazionale Geometri.
02.10.17REQUADRO.COM - Terremoto e agibilità: quando l’Italia sa essere Fast ValuationsPur occupandomi di consulenza e valutazione da quasi due decenni, sono pur sempre un ingegnere.
02.09.17Press Release Prelios Sgr - Tecla Fondo Uffici - The Process of Disposing of the Fund’s Residual Property Portfolio Continues SGRWith regard to the process of disposing of the residual property portfolio of the “Tecla - Fondo Uffici” fund (the “Fund”), the Board of Directors of Prelios SGR S.p.A.
02.06.17Foligno: Fondo Asci (70% Fia) Has Started Construction of 60 Class B, Rent-Regulated Apartments, To Be Delivered Within 16 Months SGROn 31 January, the Fondo ASCI - Fondo Abitare Sostenibile Centro Italia, a real estate investment fund managed by Prelios SGR, finalised its acquisition of the former headquarters of t
01.30.17Press Release Prelios Sgr - Tecla Fondo Uffici - The Bidding Procedure Relating the En Bloc Sale of the Fund’s Residual Property Portfolio Is Ongoing SGRIn relation to the bidding procedure associated with the en bloc sale of the residual property portfolio of the fund “Tecla - Fondo Uffici” (the “Fund”), the Board of Directors of Prelios SGR S
01.24.17Real Estate Pills del 24 gennaio, 2017 AgencyEconomia Brexit: Corte Suprema dà torto al governo May
01.17.17Real Estate Pills del 17 gennaio, 2017 AgencyEconomia Crescono le disuguaglianze nel mondo, all'1% la ricchezza del restante 99%
01.02.17Prelios SGR launches the REstart fund, specialised in the investment, value increase and repositioning of properties originally given as collateral for watchlist bank exposures SGRPrelios SGR S.p.A., the real estate investment fund of the Prelios S.p.A.
12.16.16Luke Brucato al “Credito al Credito 2016” Valuations
11.16.16CS Prelios - appuntamento PRELIOS Tavola rotonda NPL Credit Servicing
06.16.16Fitch upgrades Prelios Credit Servicing ratings Credit Servicing
06.10.16Riccardo Serrini interviewed by Monitor Immobiliare Credit Servicing
10.14.15Prelios @ MAPIC 2015 Group
09.23.15Riccardo Serrini @ NPL International Meeting 2015 Credit Servicing
09.17.15Prelios at Expo Real 2015 Credit Servicing
09.17.15Prelios at Expo Real 2015 Integra
07.07.15Prelios Credit Servicing: Fitch assigns “RSS2” – “CSS2” rating Credit Servicing
05.14.15Prelios: Bod Approved Data At 31 March 2015 Valuations
05.12.15"I vostri soldi" - Interview with Riccardo Serrini Credit Servicing
05.07.15Prelios opens RITMO Group
04.29.15PVE Capital acquisisce un portafoglio. Il venditore è Sofigeco Credit Servicing
03.05.15Prelios at Mipim 2015 Group
10.02.14Presentation by Riccardo Serrini at the meeting "L'acquisizione" Credit Servicing
09.29.14Prelios @Expo Real 2014 Group
07.08.14Riccardo Serrini alla “Deloitte Deleveraging Europe Conference” Credit Servicing
06.06.14Prelios @ EIRE 2014 Group
04.17.14Fitch confirms the ratings of Prelios Credit Servicing Credit Servicing
04.16.14Prelios Credit Servicing: Fitch assigns “RSS2” – “CSS2” rating Credit Servicing
05.07.13Prelios Credit Servicing: Riccardo Serrini appointed CEO Credit Servicing