Andrea Cornetti’s speech at the meeting of Nomisma: "Real Estate Observatory - 1st 2014 Report".

The presentation of the first 2014 real estate market report by Nomisma took place in the Unicredit Tower Hall, on  March 26th.

The event was attended by many players of urban planning and real estate market .

The event was divided into two parts:
-    The first part was dedicated to the presentation of the main Italian real estate markets current scenario.
-    In the second part a round table discussed the opportunities coming from the “Temporary Uses”, an urban policy that can helps local and sub-local developments.

Andrea Cornetti - Head of Business Development, Fund Raising e Investor Relations of Prelios SGR –presented the fund PAI, launched by Prelios SGR for the development of the F.I.CO. (Fabbrica Italiana contadina) EatalyWorld Project, a theme park that aims to become an international reference point for the Italian agriculture, food and wine industries that is due to be opened by the end of 2015 in Bologna.