Anticorruption Policy

The Prelios Group, aware of the negative effects of corruption on economic and social development, has always been committed to preventing and combating any form of corruption in the execution of its activities through the development of a corporate culture based on integrity, transparency, honesty and compliance with laws, regulations, international standards and guidelines applicable to its business.

In order to actively contribute to the prevention of corruption on workplace, the Prelios Group, for managing the risk of corruption and strengthening the culture of legality, has implemented a Management System for the prevention of corruption, committing itself to its continuous improvement and identifying the International Standard UNI ISO 37001: 2016 as the management model to inspire its system.

The Management System implemented by the Prelios Group is represented by a group of activities designed and implemented with an integrated and synergistic approach, aimed at the continuous improvement of the performance and effectiveness of the action of containing the risks of corruption. This anti-corruption management system operates in synergy with the other anti-corruption compliance tools already integrated by the Group Prelios.

In this context the Prelios Group has, in particular and among other things, adopted a Policy for the Prevention of Corruption that coordinates and integrates with the values and principles already set out and implemented in the Prelios Group’s Code of Ethics and in the Organizational Models adopted by each company of the Group pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001, which provide daily direction and guidance for the activities of the Prelios Group.