Nicolò Tarantino
Managing Director
CEO of Prelios Integra S.p.A. since June 2014.
At Prelios he managed the start up of new business projects (Shopping Center, Facility, Building Management), the development of JVs with partners of the industry in order to participate in public tenders, the stipulation of a Settlement Agreement with the Municipality of Milan regarding the closing of a contract (for a value of Euro 20 mln), the reduction of G&A costs through the spin-off of non-core businesses and cost rationalization, the closure of no longer profitable decentralized offices.
From September 2005 to August 2014 he worked as Contract Administration Director and General Manager.
From July 2003 to August 2006 he was Administration, Control and Operations Director at Rinascente S.p.A.
From September 1985 to March 1993 he worked for important companies, such as Gruppo Editoriale Fabbri and FIAT Trattori, holding responsibility positions.
He graduated in Business and Economics at the University of Palermo.

Gianni Armas
Director Technical Services
He joined Prelios Integra in 2016, from February 2017 he is Head of Technical Services & Technical Director.
Until April 2016 he was Contract Manager in CityLife, specializing in technical and economic management and coordination of interdisciplinary and architectural management.
From 2007 to 2013 he was Assistant to the Project Manager and Responsible for the Design of the “Centro Direzionale Intesa Sanpaolo” in Turin in Torre s.c.a.r.l. (Rizzani de Eccher – Implenia)
From 2007 to 2011 he was Assistant to the Project Manager and Coordinator of the Design of "Altra Sede Regione Lombardia" in Milan in Consorzio Torre (Impregilo S.p.A.)
From 2001 to 2007 he was Head of Planning in various Design studies, where he gained experience in integrated planning and health counseling for the accreditation procedures.
He graduated in Architecture at the “Politecnico” in Milan.

Alessandro Natoli
Business Development & Head of Due Diligence and Urban Planning
He joined Prelios Integra in 2014 and currently holds the positions of Business Development & Head of Due Diligence and Urban Planning.
His role includes the activity to support the business development of Integra and the other Group Strategic Business Units through the participation in public and private tenders, as well as the responsibility for Project Management, Urban Planning and Due Diligence areas. In addition to these activities, which he performs both on behalf of third parties and of the funds managed by the Group Asset Management Company, he also provides advisory services for economic and financial analyses and feasibility studies.
From 2009 to 2013 he worked at IDeA Fimit SGR S.p.A., where he was in charge of a Fund Management Team. In this capacity he managed real estate funds (listed and unlisted) for a value exceeding Euro 2 billion and held positions in SPVs owning real estate assets located in Italy and in foreign Countries.
From 2005 to 2009 he worked at Natixis Capital Partners, a merchant bank of the Caisse d’Epargne and Banque Populaire groups, where he carried out Asset Management activities on real estate assets contributed to real estate funds or SPVs. He dealt with the start up of real estate funds and of a new Asset Management Company, and also with M&A.
From 2003 to 2005 he worked at Pirelli Real Estate Property Management S.p.A. as Property Manager of various real estate funds.
In 2000 he started his professional career at IBM Italia S.p.A., in the real estate sector.
He graduated in Engineering at Università La Sapienza in Rome.

Corrado Sensale
Director Property Management
He joined Prelios Integra in 2019.
Aafter 20 years working with leading property management companies (Romeo Gestioni, Norman 95, Redilco Property Management, Coima), where, as Head of Property Management, he handled large private and public real estate portfolios for important Italian and foreign investors (Corpus Sireo, Deka Immobilien, Invesco, GIC Private Limited, ADIA and QIA on behalf of COIMA SGR, COIMA RES SIIQ).
From 2002 to 2008 he was with Romeo Gestioni S.p.A., where he was appointed Contract Manager in 2006, heading a 20-strong team involved in the start-up into full operation of the project for the management of part of the public residential building assets of the Municipality of Milan – Lot 1 and later Lot 4 – including the data project and the special maintenance plan.
From 2011 to 2019 he was with COIMA, where he was appointed Property Management Director in 2017, and took part in the start-up of the Porta Nuova Project in Milan (Hines – COIMA SGR) and property management of consortium services, multi-tenant buildings and condominiums. As head of the Property & Facility Management division, he managed more than 1.5 million sq.m, over 80 buildings and coordinated a team of 30 people.
Also at COIMA, as project leader, he supervised the roll-out and use of management software for all contracts under management in the Property & Facility Management areas and coordinated the IT team developing business intelligence software for the preparation of personalized client reports.
Corrado Sensale holds a Law degree from the Catholic University of Milan and is licensed to practice law.

Mirko Cinque
Vice President Technical Services – Project Management & Construction
He joined Prelios Integra in March 2017.
From November 2010 to January 2017 he was Deputy Project Manager and Assistant to RUP («Responsabile Unico del Procedimento») in various Projects managed by Concessioni Autostradali Lombarde S.p.A.
From February 2008 to October 2010 he was Project Engineer in Consorzio Torre for the supervision of the works for the new building of Regione Lombardia – Milano, with relevant interdisciplinary assignments regarding supervision / work planning and coordination of the design and execution of works.
From June 2002 to January 2010 he was Project Engineer in Consorzio Alta Velocità Torino Milano for the railway project “Alta Velocità Milano-Torino”, with relevant interdisciplinary assignments regarding supervision / work planning and control budget / cost analysis.
He is also Safety Coordinator at the design and execution stage of the works, according the Italian Legislative Decree 494/96 and. 81/08, and energy Certifier in Lombardy region (CENED).
He graduated in Engineering at the “Politecnico” di Milano.

Sara Canepa
Vice President Technical Services – Energy management
In Prelios Integra since September 2017.
From December 2009 to May 2017 she worked as a construction and thermotechnical designer, directly managing the mechanical design of major projects, including the Meazza Stadium in Milan.
She gained experience in technical and fiscal matters and financial analysis of efficiency solutions, energy contract management, process optimization. She has carried out energy audits for important national and international brands, also pursuant to Legislative Decree 102/2014.
She holds the role of Energy Manager and Energy Management Expert UNI CEI 11339.
She is also the Safety Coordinator during the design/execution phase of the works according to the Legislative Decree. 494/96 - Legislative Decree 81/08, Energy Certification for Lombardy Region (CENED) and Liguria Region, Fire Protection Professional (ex L. 818/84) registered in the Ministry of the Interior lists.
She graduated in architecture at the University of Genoa.

Andrea Lorenzini
Vice President Technical Services – Engineering
In Prelios Integra since February 2018.
From 1997 until January 2018 he was freelance and administrator of a service company operating in the architecture and engineering sector.
He dealt with consultancy on integrated technological systems, gaining significant experience with large customers, especially in the public and private hospital world (among the main structures with which he collaborated are cited Ospedale Miulli, Ospedale di Busto Arsizio e Tradate, Casa di Cura Villa Montallegro, European Oncology Institute) and of the large-scale retail trade (among which Billa, Carrefour, Ikea, Coop, Leroy Merlin), mainly with design appointments and project manager.
He took part in various work groups involved in infrastructure planning and was involved in the validation of major plant projects (public roads, electricity distribution networks, telephony and gas, theaters, multi-purpose and multidisciplinary centers) to be carried out both in Italy and abroad.
He has participated in the preparation of Due Diligence collaborating with large firms and architecture and engineering companies.
He began his professional career in the technical office of a technological plant construction company, handling the management of orders and quality systems.

Daniela Marta
Senior Vice President Asset Management – Due Diligence & Regularisations
Since 2001 she has been working for Prelios Group. She is responsible for the technical activities for the planning, coordination and control of due diligence processes and professional services finalized to the completion of real estate purchase and/or sale transactions, through corporate transactions and/or contribution to real estate funds. She worked in important projects relating to the real estate spinoffs of leading banking groups (Banca Intesa, Unicredit, Comit), insurance groups (Fondiaria Sai, Ras, Unipol), Local Entities (Regione Siciliana, Città di Torino, Città di Cremona) or private companies (Fiat, Rinascente, Prada, Telecom).