Patrick Del Bigio
Patrick Del Bigio is the Chief Executive Officer of Prelios SGR.
He joined the Prelios Group in 2020, after holding senior roles in distinguished international companies based in London.
Previously, he was Portfolio Manager in the Alternative Credit Group at Blackrock, after working as Portfolio Manager at SNB Stabfund/ UBS on illiquid products and loans and accumulating extensive experience in investment banking at the Principal Finance Group of Merrill Lynch and the ABS Group of Morgan Stanley.
Patrick Del Bigio holds an Executive MBA from the University of Cambridge, UK, and graduated in Single-Honor Economics at Trinity College, Dublin.
The SGR has also set up three committees within its Board of Directors, specialized in "appointments", "risks" and "remuneration".
The creation of such committees has the purpose to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the Board by improving its control and steering activities. The committees support the Board through investigative, advisory or propositional tasks, as appropriate, regarding matters falling within their competence and detailed in specific operating regulations, with particular reference to complex issues or where situations of conflict of interests may occur.
1. Appointments Committee
The Committee carries out investigative, advisory and proposing functions with regard to issues and processes concerning (i) the appointment or co-option of directors; (ii) the self-assessment of corporate bodies; (iii) the assessment of the suitability of the members of corporate bodies.
2. Risk & Internal Control Committee
The Committee provides support to the Board of Directors regarding the effective and efficient system of internal controls and risk management for the SGR and the managed Funds, also carrying out an action of supervision and monitoring of operations in conflict of interest and/or with related parties, so as to ensure the transparency, and substantial and procedural correctness of such transactions.
The Committee is also assigned the tasks provided for by (i) Directive 2011/61/EC on Alternative Fund Managers - AIFMD, (ii) the Bank of Italy Regulation of 5 December 2019, (iii) Circular No. 285 of 17 December 2013, Part One.IV.1.17, Section 2.3.3 as well as Articles 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 and 27 of Regulation 565/2017 as well as the relevant EBA guidelines, as applicable.
3. Remuneration Committee
The Committee’s functions regard remuneration and incentives.
The Committee is also assigned the tasks provided for by (i) the Alternative Fund Managers Directive 2011/61/EC - AIFMD, (ii) the Bank of Italy Regulation of 5 December 2019, (iii) the "Guidelines for sound remuneration policies pursuant to the AIFMD" (ESMA/2013/232) of the European Securities and Markets Supervisory Authority (ESMA Guidelines) as well as (iv) the "Remuneration and Incentive Policies" approved annually by the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting of the Company.
In addition, as part of the process of compliance with Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 (so-called. "Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation - SFDR"), the SGR has established the "Sustainable Finance Committee" to which are entrusted advisory and propositional functions towards the Board of Directors and the Chief Executive Officer, in the analysis and integration of environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues in the decision-making processes of the SGR, part of the integration process concerning the principles of responsibility, sustainability and integrity in the value creation process pursued by the Company, in order to place these aspects alongside the traditional financial measures in the assessment of investment opportunities and management choices.