On 20th February 2014, Prelios’s Group has introduced in Rome, through the event “Is there a future in Italy for our grandchildren?”, the first of a series of appointments for discussing about the contemporary key themes together with whom is trying to build and improve our country’s future.
Proposing again the question suggested by Keynes during the crisis of 1930, in the meantime of his congress in Madrid, “How are the economic perspectives for our grandchildren?”, the event has joined economic and social characters, for identifying together the priorities to relaunch the System of Italy, oppressed by the Youth unemployment.
Over 250 stakeholders took part to the event, among which delegates of social security authorities, foundations and investment funds, as well as an important parterre that contributed to incite the debate with highest economists, like Edward Luttwak, Jean Paul Fitoussi and Arrigo Sadun, and political exponents like Giulio Tremonti and Filippo Taddei.
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