“In a complicated period like the present, re-creating a corporate culture and respect for private enterprise in the real estate sector is vital, because this is a sector that provides jobs and growth opportunities,” said Fabrizio Palenzona, Chairman of the Prelios Group, at the close of the Real Estate & Finance Summit organized by Il Sole 24 Ore on September 22. The proceedings were opened by the newspaper's editor-in-chief, Fabio Tamburini.
“Real estate is a strategic sector that channels huge investments for the development of vital infrastructure and, today more than ever, responds first and foremost to a social need: simply think of the positive impact of urban redevelopment projects, especially in the suburbs,” said the Prelios chairman, adding that “the Recovery Fund could be the key, if resources are allocated correctly. In this context, the State has a fundamental role to play, as it has to create the conditions necessary for people's needs to be met and relaunch the country by engaging both private operators. who have the competences to achieve this, and investors, who have the desire and the resources to accelerate the process. National policy has to be able to create a favorable climate to enable business to serve the growth of our country. The State has to provide clear rules to attract investment and help meet demand, which stems in part from social needs. To invest, to create new urban growth, life and development, we need infrastructures, schools, universities, research, the ability to introduce digital networks into our system and to connect communities.”