The challenge for the Prelios Group: new talents in order to grow in the UTP business. In the new sector of unlikely-to-pay loans, the Prelios Group is positioned as first mover and one of Italy’s largest players with assets under management – UTPs and non-performing loans, NPLs – currently standing at more than 35 billion euro. Prelios Group CEO Riccardo Serrini, together with COO Fabio Panzeri, UTP Managing Director Stefano Focaccia and HR Director Andrea Fabbri were interviewed by Valentina Porciani for Class CNBC
Bucking the brain drain trend, Prelios is particularly interested in young, highly qualified professionals who began their careers abroad in well-known corporations, banks and consultancies and welcome the opportunity to work for a dynamic, constantly growing player like the Group. Since 2019, Prelios has recruited 250 professionals – of whom 115 in the first half of 2020 – without a pause even during the lockdown. The testimonies of UTP Loan Managers Carolina de Fernex, Francesca Buccolieri and Vittorio Leggio , who recently joined the Group.