“The real estate sector evolves in response to important social change.” Luigi Aiello, General Manager Corporate & Business Development at the Prelios Group, was addressing the Milano Marketing Festival. “Current demographic trends are driving new dynamics in demand and changing the attitudes of families and businesses in their approach to homes and offices, and to space in general. The concept of real estate ownership, which historically played a key role, has been overtaken; the focus for the property market today, and so for marketing campaigns, is the ability to provide a complete, plug & play service, in line with the needs of the new generations.” Speaking on the panel discussion moderated by journalists Jole Saggese of Class CNBC and Teresa Campo of Milano Finanza, Aiello observed that “technology investments in the real estate sector have grown exponentially in the last ten years. In 2010, only a handful of companies invested 25 million dollars in technology. Today, just ten years later, the amount has risen to more than 15 billion dollars: a 600-fold increase.”