Prelios Credit Servicing: Open Day in Milan, interview with GM Stefano Montuschi

Thursday April 12 and Tuesday April 17 in cooperation with Hays

"Prelios Credit Servicing is the first mover in its sector and has a huge capacity for innovation." Prelios Credit Servicing general manager Stefano Montuschi presents PRECS on the eve of the first of two meetings with young lawyers and new law graduates, to be held in Milan on April 12 and 17. "In 1986, PRECS was the first to move into non-performing exposures and subsequently supported leading investors in the most important NPL securitization transactions,” says Montuschi. "Today it is the primary player in transactions with the Italian treasury's GACS securitization guarantee, which it considers the best tool to deal with non-performing loans in the banking system. This is a perfect slot for a young lawyer, at a unique time when there are non-performing exposures for 300 billion Euro in Italy. At Prelios Credit Servicing, a new law graduate can learn about all the activities involved in this business by taking part in the life of the Prelios Group, the only service provider covering every aspect of the real estate sector."