Milan, 14 October 2016 - With regard to the tender procedure for the en bloc sale of the residual real estate portfolio of the “Tecla - Fondo Uffici” Fund (the “Fund”), Prelios SGR - in keeping with the previous communications to the market dated 6 and 28 July 2016, and following the first phases of marketing and presentation to the market aimed at ensuring maximum visibility to the sale – announced the conclusion, on today’s date, of the period for presentation of the non-binding offers. The offers received are being analysed by the Company.
The aforementioned process will proceed according to the path set out in the Fund’s management report as at 30 June 2016.
Additional information regarding the subsequent phases in the disposal process will be promptly communicated to the market, whilst respecting the confidentiality requirements necessary for its finalisation. All useful information is available in a dedicated section of the website