M. Monselesan at the convention “NPL e Real Estate ” organised by Il QI

Non-performing loans, investment funds and real estate funds, specialist operators and REOCOs were some of the issues covered today at the convention organised by Quotidiano Immobiliare, called NPL e Real Estate. Come l’immobiliare italiano ha saputo sfruttare questo mercato (NPL and Real Estate. How the Italian property sector has been able to take advantage of this market) held at Auditorium NCTM Studio Legale, at Via Agnello 12, in which Marco Monselesan also participated, speaking and going into depth on the topic of property enforcement procedures in light of the reform to Legislative Decree 83/15. “NPLs are a corporate and real estate problem for banks” said Marco Monselesan, Head of Business Development at Prelios Credit Servicing, during his presentation – “81% of the stock is linked to companies and 47% has real estate as its underlying asset. Securitisation with the use of GACS (Guarantees on Securitisation of Non-Performing Loans) has been the most effective systemic solution for allowing banks to reduce the stock of NPLs, releasing capital to be allocated to the recovery of the economy and the property market. This is an opportunity for all real estate operators who will be able to invest in this sector”.