Andrea Cornetti (DG Prelios SGR) interviewed by Quotidiano Immobiliare on the occasion of the ‘Real estate funds in Italy and abroad’ conference organised by Scenari Immobiliari

“The real estate funds sector is mature, but at the same time there is a margin for growth, especially linked to this market’s expansion,” said Andrea Cornetti, General Manager of Prelios SGR, who was interviewed by Quotidiano Immobiliare on the occasion of the conference organised by Scenari Immobiliari entitled ‘Real estate funds in Italy and abroad’. “What we as operators have to do is try to create new products and new asset classes to allow investors to gain exposure to the real estate world, even in a mature market,” Cornetti added. “In the future, the sector will have to pay lots of attention to real estate development through urban regeneration and renovation works.” The complete interview is found at this link: