The Prelios Group innovation program: creativity, start-ups and employee engagement

Accelerating the most promising ideas and creating a virtuous circle that puts innovation at the heart of Group activities through the creativity of its employees, start-ups and external partners. The Prelios permanent innovation program aims to encourage outward thinking and develop new business prospects, with the assistance of H-FARM, an innovation platform that supports the creation of new enterprise models and the transformation and education of young people and Italian business through a digital approach.

“In less than two months, we’ve amassed more than thirty ideas and selected the most promising,” says Prelios Group Chief Technology and Processes Officer Mauro Cavagna.  “Now we want to implement them as quickly as possible and at the same time keep the door open for all the other ideas we encounter. This is an important effort, and we shall be leveraging the experience of H-FARM as we activate all the energies inside and outside the Group.”

“We are working alongside the Prelios innovation team to encourage the development of ideas through a process for the broad engagement of the entire Group, channeling creativity and establishing a virtuous circle that makes innovation the driver of Prelios activities. We shall also facilitate access to a global pool of start-ups, to enable Prelios to identify the best partners for each initiative and strengthen its outward thinking,” said H-FARM founder and CEO Riccardo Donadon.

H-FARM ( is an innovation platform that supports the creation of new enterprise models and the transformation and education of young people and Italian business through a digital approach. Established in January 2005 as the world's first start-up incubator, H-FARM has evolved and adapted to changing market requirements without ever losing sight of the core values rooted in grasping the opportunities of digital innovation and maintaining a human-centric approach. Organized as a campus just outside Venice, H-FARM occupies a 51-hectare site, including 20 hectares of woodland, and is Europe's most important innovation pole. More than 600 people work with H-FARM in Italy and the platform is considered a unicum on the international stage.