Urban Planning Monitoring: flagship of Prelios Integra offer

Prelios Integra launches the service " Urban Planning Monitoring ", which has as main focus the support of the customer during the management of the portfolio, through a constant control of the tools and zoning regulations in force and in the process of variation, informing systematically the owner on the contents of the regulatory changes and of any new special tools that may have special impact on their properties.

The Company has integrated its offer with this new service to meet the needs of the owners that have often to face changes of urban context, dues to the evolution of the general legislative framework and to new local political conditions, with unexpected and frequent readjustments of urban situations of individual assets (in terms of destination of use, building volumes, timing and implementation procedures), indicating the possibility of developing and suggesting actions against possible negative impacts.

Thanks to a specialized and multidisciplinary team, the new Urban Planning Monitoring service supports the client in the dialogue with Public Administration in the open planning procedures stages (pre-adoption, publication) to evaluate and make submissions, comments and claims.