Prelios has become a participant in the Foundation for Financial Education and Savings (FEduF), created by the Italian Banking Association (ABI) to promote financial education in the interests of responsible citizenship and economic legality.
"Financial questions are often considered to be complicated and obscure. This is especially true as regards the financial crisis, which compounds the complexity with the emotional and other difficulties experienced by the people involved. Today more than ever we have to encourage greater awareness through widespread financial education,” commented Fabio Panzeri, CEO of Prelios Credit Servicing and Prelios Group General Manager for Servicing and Operations. “This is a social responsibility the Prelios Group feels particularly keenly, given that a return to a performing basis is the virtuous goal Prelios sets itself for all the positions it manages that meet the relevant criteria. These situations involve businesses, employees, supply chains, communities: the country’s real economy. From this perspective, appropriate preparation in responding to a crisis is the success factor to prevent temporary difficulties from turning into irreversible crises. Education about credit can be decisive for the lender and bring important benefits for the entire system: for banks, who achieve better loan recovery rates; for the State, as guarantor of a portion of loans, and for the judicial system, which will see a reduction in the volumes of irreversibly distressed positions.”
Communication about financial matters is often convoluted. Today, more than ever, a clear and informed approach needs to be taken to decisions over both the daily management of economic resources and savings and financial protection, also in view of the effects of the pandemic on the financial situation of families and business.
“National and international research data show how urgent systemic action to foster financial education is, also in light of the next Recovery Plan,” commented Giovanna Boggio Robutti, Manager Director of the FEduF. “So we greatly welcome the contribution to the spread of economic awareness from Prelios, a point of reference on its market for more than thirty years and a front-line player in many wide-ranging initiatives, including financial education.”