Financial education: the Prelios Group presents

Milan, October 22, 2021Private individuals, one-man businesses and SMEs are the beating heart of the Italian economy. For Financial Education Month, the Prelios Group is providing them with a brand new tool, created in the belief that greater knowledge about appropriate debt management and solid financial literacy can reduce – or, even better, prevent – credit difficulties.

The platform is the new credit education platform developed by the Prelios Group for private borrowers, small and medium enterprises, and guarantors, addressing a huge potential user audience. The data in the latest IACOFI report (Bank of Italy) provide a stark picture: broad sections of the population manage their household finances on a daily basis yet lack the appropriate level of skills. Considering those who are excluded and those without expertise, the total comes to around 8 million Italian adults.

“For the Prelios Group, generating sustainable value means offering services based on maximum transparency and precision, developing virtuous paths that meet debtors’ desire to rebalance their financial situation and creditors’ wish to achieve a sustainable return on their investments over time,” said Fabio Panzeri, Prelios General Manager for Servicing & Operations. “This ethical and strategic stance is the starting point for, which is based on our thirty years of experience and belief that a properly informed debtor can prevent a temporary difficulty from turning into an irreversible crisis. Obviously, this has benefits for the debtor, and a positive impact on the banking system, court caseloads, employment, allied industries and the community.”

For these reasons, is being launched during Financial Education Month #OttobreEdufin2021 and, in collaboration with FEduF – the Foundation for Financial Education and Investment created by the Italian Banking Association – makes its debut with an educational initiative that examines the decisive elements involved in making lucid and knowledgeable decisions about personal finances, both on a day-to-day basis and with a view to investment and financial protection.

“Financial Education Month gives the FEduF and the Prelios Group, one of Italy and Europe’s key players in alternative asset management and special real estate services, an extraordinary opportunity to provide an innovative approach to questions of vital importance at this particular time,” said Giovanna Boggio Robutti, General Manager of the ABI Foundation. “This is crucial since financial education is something that makes a vital contribution to the definition of the concepts of legality and democracy, and is not only a tool to safeguard and enhance personal and collective assets, but also a right of the individual set out in the Italian Constitution.”

The “educadebito” meeting will be held online on the Radio Prelios digital hub on Tuesday October 26 from 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm. The meeting will illustrate the content and objectives of the new platform, developed in collaboration with H-FARM and in partnership with FEduF to have a positive impact on the close connection between people’s economic knowledge and the correctness of their financial decisions. Informed use of the debt tool requires an understanding of complex financial questions, such as financial planning and debt sustainability, and knowing which are the right financial instruments for the individual’s specific needs.

In this connection, the Prelios Group and the FEduF have drawn up ten golden rules:

  1. Don’t become discouraged! There’s a solution to everything
  2. Avoid procrastination: as time passes some solutions may be debarred and court proceedings may become inevitable
  3. Contact your financial advisor to start talking about the best instruments to use
  4. Find out which solutions are best to ease the situation: offers to accompany the debtor through a world that may seem complicated and, almost always, is a source of enormous stress
  5. Always compare the different offers before deciding and take the time to read the contract terms and conditions
  6. If necessary, seek the advice of an independent specialist, and stay away from non-specialists who outline easy solutions
  7. Avoid making a commitment beyond your ability to repay the loan on the agreed dates
  8. Plan your incomings and outgoings and evaluate your income carefully to determine your available resources net of ordinary expenditure
  9. Always be aware of the possibility of fraud, and check the mandate of people who contact you to negotiate
  10. Finally… think about making a new start. Assess all the options without preconceptions.



“Debt management and social responsibility.

The voice of the FEduF and the response of the Prelios Group, with educadebito”


Tuesday, October 26, 2021

4:30 pm - 5:30 pm