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Milan, 28 June 2013 – In relation to the rumours circulated on today’s date in the media regardingthe unexpected deadlock of the administrative procedure for the authorizations underlying thecapital increase with option rights resolved upon by Prelios S.p.A. Shareholders’ Meeting on 8 May2013 within the framework of the Group equity strengthening, financial rebalancing and industrialre-launch, the Company hereby informs that CONSOB has given its approval to the publication ofthe Offering Circular regarding the afore mentioned capital increase.
As already known, the transaction as a whole, including the capital increase with option rights,envisaged, among the conditions for its implementation, that CONSOB agreed on an exemptionfrom the obligations to make a takeover bid for the parties involved in the transaction. Suchexemption, confirmed by CONSOB by Resolution n. 18565 of 31 May 2013, gave rise to someissues regarding the feasibility, from an operating perspective, of the conditions contained therein.In this respect, the legal advisors of the parties participating in the transaction submitted toCONSOB questions regarding the agreements and commitments that the parties to the transactionintend to formalize for the purpose of receiving from it confirmation about the consistency with thecontent of the afore mentioned resolution.
Subject to completion of said verifications, the Company assumes that the afore mentioned capitalincrease with option rights may be implemented as soon as feasible according to Borsa ItalianaS.p.A.’s timeline, subject to prior publication of the Offering Circular.
As already known, the transaction as a whole, including the capital increase with option rights,envisaged, among the conditions for its implementation, that CONSOB agreed on an exemptionfrom the obligations to make a takeover bid for the parties involved in the transaction. Suchexemption, confirmed by CONSOB by Resolution n. 18565 of 31 May 2013, gave rise to someissues regarding the feasibility, from an operating perspective, of the conditions contained therein.In this respect, the legal advisors of the parties participating in the transaction submitted toCONSOB questions regarding the agreements and commitments that the parties to the transactionintend to formalize for the purpose of receiving from it confirmation about the consistency with thecontent of the afore mentioned resolution.
Subject to completion of said verifications, the Company assumes that the afore mentioned capitalincrease with option rights may be implemented as soon as feasible according to Borsa ItalianaS.p.A.’s timeline, subject to prior publication of the Offering Circular.