Price sensitive
Prelios S.p.A. has announced that today the shareholders' meeting hasbeen called for the following dates:
* Tuesday, 19th April 2011 at 10:30 a.m., as an ordinary and extraordinary session – firstcalling; or
* Wednesday, 20th April 2011, same time and place, as an extraordinary session – secondcalling; or
* Thursday, 21st April 2011, at 4:30 p.m., same place, as an ordinary session – secondcalling and as an extraordinary session – third calling.
In view of the company’s organisational structure, it is forecast that the meeting may beconstituted and resolve – as a second calling for the ordinary part and a third calling for theextraordinary part – on Thursday, 21st April 2001 at 4:30 p.m. at 214 Viale Sarca, Milan.
As an ordinary session, the meeting will be called to resolve on the approval of the 2010 statutoryfinancial statements in addition to the following proposals:
- appointment, by list voting, of the Board of Directors;
- renewal of the authorisation to purchase treasury shares and related provisions.
As an extraordinary session, some proposals will be submitted to the shareholders’ meeting toamend arts. 7 and 8 (Shareholders’ Meeting), 12 and 18 (Administration) and 22 (Board ofStatutory Auditors) of the Articles of Association. This is mainly with a view to incorporating somenew regulations on the rights of the shareholders of listed companies, following the incorporation ofthe Shareholders’ Rights Directive and to adjusting to meet the provisions of the Related PartyTransactions Procedure adopted by the Board of Directors on 3rd November 2010.
The Directors’ reports and the proposed resolutions concerning all items on the agenda will bemade available to the public at the offices of the Company and Borsa Italiana S.p.A. and will bepublished on the Company website, as specified below:
* on today’s date, the Directors’ Report on the appointment of the Board of Directors;
* by 18th March 2011, the Directors’ Report on the proposal for authorisation to purchaseand the method of arrangement of treasury shares and the Directors' Report on theproposed amendments of the articles of association;
* by 28th March 2011, the Annual Financial Report together with the reports by the Board ofStatutory Auditors and the independent auditing firm and the Annual Report on CorporateGovernance and the Ownership Structure.
The notice of calling the shareholders' meeting, also specifying the provisions and informationsignificant in terms of attendance and the exercise of rights, is published on the Company’swebsite (corporate governance section) and in the newspapers “Il Sole 24 Ore”,“MF” and “Finanza&Mercati”. It is also available from Borsa Italiana S.p.A..
* Tuesday, 19th April 2011 at 10:30 a.m., as an ordinary and extraordinary session – firstcalling; or
* Wednesday, 20th April 2011, same time and place, as an extraordinary session – secondcalling; or
* Thursday, 21st April 2011, at 4:30 p.m., same place, as an ordinary session – secondcalling and as an extraordinary session – third calling.
In view of the company’s organisational structure, it is forecast that the meeting may beconstituted and resolve – as a second calling for the ordinary part and a third calling for theextraordinary part – on Thursday, 21st April 2001 at 4:30 p.m. at 214 Viale Sarca, Milan.
As an ordinary session, the meeting will be called to resolve on the approval of the 2010 statutoryfinancial statements in addition to the following proposals:
- appointment, by list voting, of the Board of Directors;
- renewal of the authorisation to purchase treasury shares and related provisions.
As an extraordinary session, some proposals will be submitted to the shareholders’ meeting toamend arts. 7 and 8 (Shareholders’ Meeting), 12 and 18 (Administration) and 22 (Board ofStatutory Auditors) of the Articles of Association. This is mainly with a view to incorporating somenew regulations on the rights of the shareholders of listed companies, following the incorporation ofthe Shareholders’ Rights Directive and to adjusting to meet the provisions of the Related PartyTransactions Procedure adopted by the Board of Directors on 3rd November 2010.
The Directors’ reports and the proposed resolutions concerning all items on the agenda will bemade available to the public at the offices of the Company and Borsa Italiana S.p.A. and will bepublished on the Company website, as specified below:
* on today’s date, the Directors’ Report on the appointment of the Board of Directors;
* by 18th March 2011, the Directors’ Report on the proposal for authorisation to purchaseand the method of arrangement of treasury shares and the Directors' Report on theproposed amendments of the articles of association;
* by 28th March 2011, the Annual Financial Report together with the reports by the Board ofStatutory Auditors and the independent auditing firm and the Annual Report on CorporateGovernance and the Ownership Structure.
The notice of calling the shareholders' meeting, also specifying the provisions and informationsignificant in terms of attendance and the exercise of rights, is published on the Company’swebsite (corporate governance section) and in the newspapers “Il Sole 24 Ore”,“MF” and “Finanza&Mercati”. It is also available from Borsa Italiana S.p.A..