Urban planning agreement signed at the former Manifattura Tabacchi site in Milan

Quadrifoglio Milano S.p.A., owned by the 50:50 PirelliRE-Fintecna Immobiliare joint venture, today signed the urban planningagreement with the City of Milan and the State Monopolies AutonomousAdministration for the urban renewal and redevelopment project at the formerManifattura Tabacchi complex, an extensive industrial site closed down in 1999,located near the Grande Bicocca zone in Milan.
The site covering an area of over 83,000 sqm is bounded by Viale Fulvio Testi andViale Suzzani and is crossed by Via Esperia and Via Santa Monica; work on the MM5subway line has already started and the Bicocca station will be on the corner of ViaEsperia and Viale F. Testi.