Milan, 22 September 2015 – The following single list of candidates for the Board of Directors of Prelios S.p.A. has been submitted by Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A., Pirelli & C. S.p.A. and UniCredit S.p.A. (“the List”), in regards to the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting, convened on single call, for 16 October 2015, to resolve on the appointment of the members of the Board of Directors, in accordance with the established terms and conditions and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
- List of candidates for the Board of Directors
The following is the list of candidates for the position of director:
- Giorgio Luca Bruno, born in Milan, Italy on 23 February 1960;
- Sergio Iasi, born in Salerno, Italy, on 23 January 1958;
- Davide Mereghetti, born in Milan, Italy, on 30 April 1966;
- Giovanni Angelo Carlo Gilli, born in Milan, Italy, on 8 January 1954;
- Valeria Leone, born in Naples, Italy, on 3 June 1961;
- Arturo Sanguinetti, born in Carrara (MS), Italy, on 14 March 1954; (*)
- Giovanni Jody Vender, born in Milan, Italy, on 17 September 1950; (*)
- Andrea Mangoni, born in Terni, Italy, on 5 June 1963; (*)
- Anna Maria Artoni, born in Correggio (RE), Italy, on 31 March 1967; (*)
- Mirja Cartia d’Asero, born in Catania, Italy, on 22 November 1969; (*)
- Rosa Cipriotti, born in Cariati (CS), Italy, on 14 December 1974. (*)
(*) Candidates who have stated that they meet the independence requirements for statutory auditors established by Article 148, subsection 3, of Legislative Decree no. 58/98, and that they meet the requirements imposed by the Corporate Governance Code of listed companies for qualifying as independent.
The following proposals were formulated in conjunction with submission of the List:
- to set the number of members of the Board of Directors at eleven;
- to establish a term of office for the Board of Directors to be appointed of three financial years, and thus ending with the ordinary shareholders' meeting to be convened to approve the financial statements at and for the year ending 31 December 2017;
- to limit the maximum total gross annual compensation of the Board of Directors pursuant to Article 2389, subsection 1, of the Italian Civil Code at 550,000.00 euro, which amount is to be divided amongst its members in accordance with the resolutions on this subject to be passed by the Board of Directors.
The documentation required by applicable regulations - submitted along with the List - will be made available to the public on 25 September 2015 on the Company's website, (Governance section), and will also be made available from Borsa Italiana S.p.A. and the authorised storage service eMarket Storage (
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