Price sensitive
Milan, 25 August 2012 - Regarding rumors which have appeared in the press about the interest of certain investors in initiating possible partnerships with Prelios, the Company confirms, at Consob’s request, that in July it received some preliminary expressions of interest in possible extraordinary transactions from Italian (Merloni-Caputi) and foreign (Fortress) investors. Following the start of discussions, these parties have sent a letter dated 24 August that confirms their interest in completing due diligence and proceeding with the activities aimed at defining the conditions to be able to formulate a binding offer.

In view of the discussions still in progress, the conditions of the extraordinary transactions have not been defined, and so it is not possible at this stage to provide any information as to the transaction’s final structure.

The interest shown will be brought to the attention of the Board of Directors on the schedule, as is well known, for 28 August.