Price sensitive
Milan, 30 July 2013 – With reference to what has been already disclosed to the market on 28 June 2013 and on 11 July 2013 – in the framework of the capital increase with option rights for a maximum total amount of Euro 115,009,511.53, resolved upon by the Company Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting on 8 May 2013, as per Offering Circular published on 18 July 2013, and that started on 22 July 2013 – Prelios S.p.A. informs that on today’s date, after having formally completed their respective approval processes, all the parties involved in the Company capitalisation and financial rebalancing transaction have defined and underwritten the agreements and the respective commitments, enforcing and in compliance with the conditions established by Consob for the purposes of the exemption from Takeover Bid obligations.
It should be recalled that such exemption was one of the conditions required for the implementation of the aforementioned extraordinary transaction, which has been approved by Consob by Resolution n. 18565 of 31 May 2013, as subsequently integrated by Resolution n. 18607 of 9 July 2013.
It should be recalled that such exemption was one of the conditions required for the implementation of the aforementioned extraordinary transaction, which has been approved by Consob by Resolution n. 18565 of 31 May 2013, as subsequently integrated by Resolution n. 18607 of 9 July 2013.