Corporate crisis management: enrollment for the CrIS master open until January 21

Enrollment is open until January 21 for the CrIS master’s degree course in Excessive Debt Insolvency Crises at the Catholic University in Milan, on which the Prelios Group is a support partner.

Directed by professors Pierluigi Benigno and Gianluca Mucciarone Direttori, the CrIS master – at the School of Banking, Financial and Insurance Sciences – gives students systematic in-depth knowledge about corporate crisis management, providing all the theoretical and practical tools required for effective analysis and management of situations of economic and financial difficulty from the point of view of all those involved in the crisis: the debtor and their creditors – employees and unions, the social security and tax authorities, financial bodies, suppliers, as well as the bodies responsible for procedural management.

“Corporate crises and excessive consumer debt are important issues today, not just in connection with the recent release of the new Crisis Code, but also because of the difficulties the pandemic is creating for businesses and families,” said prof. Pierluigi Benigno. “The Cattolica's CrIS master is intended for new graduates and for professionals already working in the sector. It uses a multidisciplinary approach to systematically analyze juridical and corporate questions, with reference to best practice and teaches students how crises are actually managed by the various professional figures: the entrepreneur, the consultant, the receiver, the court-appointed officers, as well as the lenders or the parties who manage credit for companies in a crisis situation. Our lecturers will be teaching professors together with expert professionals and magistrates, so that we deliver training that supports people starting out on their professional career and an important opportunity for further successful development for people who have already begun their careers.”

Increasingly close collaboration between universities and business “is a key development driver for the growth and training of the new generations of professionals and managers,” said Stefano Focaccia, Managing Director of Prelios Credit Servicing and a lecturer in Technical Skills at the Catholic University’s School of Economics. “In this way the supply of specialist technical skills developed by the academic community and the specific requirements of the corporate world are brought together. The Prelios Group is proud to be able to offer the direct experience of its professionals in corporate crisis management in the distinguished setting of the Catholic University and hopes to welcome many young professionals who have taken the CrIS master's degree into its workforce.”

Full information about the Excessive Debt Insolvency Crises master’s degree is provided on the Catholic University website, at