Milan, 16 May 2014 – Prelios S.p.A. informs that on today’s date the ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting has been called - on single call – for Thursday, 19 June 2014, at h. 11:00, in Milano via Lazzaretto n.5, at Hotel NH Machiavelli, with the following agenda:
- Financial Statements at 31 December 2013. Relevant and consequent resolutions.
- Measures to adopt pursuant to article 2446 of the Italian Civil Code. Relevant and consequent resolutions.
- Measures to adopt pursuant to article 2364, par. 1, n. 2), of the Italian Civil Code. Relevant and consequent resolutions.
- Report on Remuneration: discussion on Remuneration Policy.
The Directors’ Memos and the resolution proposals, together with the other documents submitted to the Shareholders’ Meeting, regarding all items on the agenda, are made available to the public at the Company’s offices and at Borsa Italiana S.p.A. and are also published on the Company’s website at (section corporate governance) pursuant to law.
In particular:
- the Annual Report was made available on 30 April 2014, as for item one on the agenda;
- the Directors’ Memo on item three on the agenda is made available today, that presents the measures that are proposed for adoption and the relevant criteria;
- the following documents will be made available by 28 May 2014:
- the Directors’ Memo drafted pursuant to article 2446 of the Italian Civil Code, as well as the observations of the Board of Auditors, as for item two on the agenda;
- the Directors’ Memo relating to the discussion on the Remuneration Policy, as for item four on the agenda.
It should be noted that Consob authorized Computershare S.p.A. – pursuant to art. 113-ter, par. 4, letter b), of Legislative Decree. n. 58/1998 – to exercise the “Mechanism for Regulated Information Centralized Storage (so-called Storage)” called 1Info, which the Company adhered to, starting from 19 May 2014. Therefore, starting from said date, the subsequent obligations of storage and filing of the documents before the Shareholders’ Meeting will be fulfilled through Portal
The documentation regarding the financial statements of the subsidiary and affiliated companies will be made available to the public at the Company’ offices by 4 June 2014.
The Shareholders’ Meeting calling notice, also bearing the relevant provisions and information for the purposes of attendance and rights exercise, is published on the Company website at (section corporate governance) and is also available at Borsa Italiana S.p.A. and an extract thereof will be published in the daily newspaper Milano Finanza of 17 May 2014.
For further information:
Prelios Press OfficeTel. +39/02/6281.41571
Prelios Investor Relations Tel. +39/02/6281.4104