Board examines preliminary data for Y2004

Price sensitive
  • Operating profit including income from equity participations: approx. €157m, + 23%
  • aggregate value of production net of acquisitions: approx. €1,973m, + 29%
  • asset management:
    Sales to third parties of assets under management amount to approx. €1,711m (€1,298m at book value) and acquisitions to approx. €2,110m;
    Assets contributed to funds for approx. €2,387m;
    Operating profit including income from equity participations amounts to approx. €122m, + 35%
  • services:
    Value of production totals approx. €355m, + 10%;
    Operating profit totals approx. €57m, + 13%
  • net debt of approx. €35m improves from the end of September 2004 (€40.9m)
  • for 2004 results in line with targets set out in the three-year plan (2003-2005)