Milan, 19 September 2012 – Prelios S.p.A. communicates that, as at today’s date, it has received, from Feidos S.p.A. and Fortress Investment Group (UK) Ltd, offers for the possible extraordinary transactions that the Company had already announced to the market on 28 August in the press release relating to the approval of the Half-Year Financial Report.

The offers confirm the Company’s commitment to re-launch its industrial development prospects. This it intends to do, as already announced, by strengthening its equity - through the recapitalization of the Company, also functional to the entry of new shareholders - and restoring balance to its overall financial structure, also through the involvement of the Company’s financial backers.

All assessments concerning the offers received will be submitted to the Board of Directors, which is to meet in the next few days, most likely on 26 September. Therefore, it is not at present possible to advance any information concerning the specific content of each offer received.