Monthly disclosure pursuant to art. 114, paragraph 5, of legislative decree n. 58/98_July 2017

Milan, 31 July 2017 – In accordance with the request sent by Consob on 13 September 2012, pursuant to art. 114, paragraph 5, of Legislative Decree 58/1998, we hereby provide the following information concerning Prelios S.p.A. and the Group under its control, at 30 June 2017.


1) Net Financial Position, with separate indication of the short-term and medium/long-term components.


The Net Financial Position of the Prelios Group was a net debt of Euro -2.2 million at 30 June 2017, compared to a net debt of Euro -1.5 million at 31 May 2017.


The Net Financial Position of the Prelios S.p.A. was a net debt of Euro -49.2 million at 30 June 2017, compared to a net debt of Euro -49.9 million at 31 May 2017.