Milan, 29 March 2013 – In compliance with the request sent by Consob on 13 September 2012, pursuant to article 114, paragraph 5, of Legislative Decree 58/1998, the following information is provided on Prelios S.p.A. and its Group, as at 28 February 2013.1) Net Financial Position, with current and non-current items reported separately.
Prelios Group Net Financial Position at 28 February 2013 is negative for 541.7 million euro, compared to -530 million euro in January 2013. The decline compared to the preceding month of January is limited to 11 million euro as a result of the Company’s attentive monitoring and management of the working capital in order to align to the target of the Company extraordinary transaction aimed at the group equity strengthening and at the financial rebalancing, approved at 27 March 2013 by Board of Director of the Company and announced in a press release of the same date.
Prelios S.p.A. Net Financial Position at 28 February 2013 is negative for 553.3 million euro, compared to -545.9 million euro in January 2013.
Prelios Group Net Financial Position at 28 February 2013 is negative for 541.7 million euro, compared to -530 million euro in January 2013. The decline compared to the preceding month of January is limited to 11 million euro as a result of the Company’s attentive monitoring and management of the working capital in order to align to the target of the Company extraordinary transaction aimed at the group equity strengthening and at the financial rebalancing, approved at 27 March 2013 by Board of Director of the Company and announced in a press release of the same date.
Prelios S.p.A. Net Financial Position at 28 February 2013 is negative for 553.3 million euro, compared to -545.9 million euro in January 2013.