In the ordinary session, the Shareholders' Meeting will be called upon to resolve, as well as on approval of the 2011 financial statements, on the following matters:

  • appointment of a Director and/or reduction in the number of members of the Board of Directors;
  • Report on Remuneration: consultation on the Remuneration Policy.

In the extraordinary session, the Shareholders' Meeting will be asked to:

  • take measures for which it has the power under the terms of Article 2446 of the Italian Civil Code and, in particular, it will be proposed to reduce the share capital after elimination of the face value of the ordinary shares, with consequent amendment of Article 5 of the Company's By-laws;
  • some proposals on statutory changes to articles 12 (Administration) and 22 (Board of Statutory Auditors), in order to implement the provisions of the new regulations in the so called "gender balance".


The Directors' Reports and the proposed resolutions regarding the various points on the agenda will be made available to the public at the Company's registered office and at Borsa Italiana S.p.A. and will be published on the Company's website as indicated below:

  • today, the report on the appointment of a Director and/or reduction in the number of members of the Board of Directors;
  • by Monday 26 March 2012, the Reports and documents relating to all the other matters on the agenda, including the Annual Financial Report.


The notice of convocation of the Shareholders' Meeting, containing also the rules and information relevant for the purposes of attendance and exercise of rights, is published on the Company's website (section corporate governance) and in the newspapers “Il Sole 24 Ore”, “MF” and “Finanza&Mercati”, and is also available at Borsa Italiana S.p.A.