"Rigenerare il territorio: borghi e periferie" (territorial redevelopment: suburbs and hinterlands) is the title of the ilQI congress at which Alessandro Natoli, Business Development & Head of Due Diligence and Urban Planning at Prelios Integra, was one of the speakers.
"The redevelopment of commercial and manufacturing properties is a highly topical issue in the real estate sector, given the large numbers of commercial and manufacturing buildings on the market today," said Natoli. "Obviously, the complexity of redevelopment depends to a large extent on the actual location of the assets. When properties are located in dynamic urban districts, redevelopment is simpler and the success of a project is closely linked to urban-construction feasibility and is a question of value. In other cases, it is vital to establish a correct balance between a compatible urban use and the cost of the redevelopment."
In both cases, observed Alessandro Natoli, "the pursuit of quality is essential, in terms of both the project concept and its implementation, as well as regards the user/tenant for the redevelopment project. The important thing is to trigger a virtuous process, starting from the building, that creates the necessary vivacity not only for the commercial or manufacturing site itself, but also for the surrounding area. This is the goal of a number of Prelios Integra projects, from the redevelopment of the former Colleoni barracks in Bergamo for CDP Sgr to the various reconversion studies being conducted on other public assets."