Quality policy, HSEE and SA


Prelios Integra operates in the market of integrated process management services supporting property owners, users and developers and considers the voluntary regulations enshrined in ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 50001, ISO 45001 and SA 8000 a support to its approach to business. They can assist in the areas of strategic policy, process management, minimizing environmental impacts and energy consumption, safeguarding employees and communities and representing a framework for company aims.

Senior Management is committed to guaranteeing compliance with regulations, the requirements of the voluntary standards and other requirements taken on voluntarily.

The Company therefore aims to:

  • sustain, respect and safeguard internationally affirmed human rights;
    • apply the Code of Ethics approved by the Board of Directors;
    • improve the quality of services provided by meeting the (expressed and unexpressed) needs of clients and the parties involved;
    • protect the environment and the community in which it works, the health and safety of its employees and of tender issuers;
    • promote the responsible use of resources and sensitivity to the problems of energy consumption of its activities.
    • working with customers to adopt solutions to reduce climate change impacts.

To do the above, the Company makes every effort to:

  • identify and meet the present and future needs of our Clients;
  • remove potential dangers and risks and means of preventing them, protect the health and safety of employees, reduce environment impacts and improve energy efficiency, at the design and implementation stages and in the management of property assets within the limits of the mandates received;
  • monitor and reduce its energy needs to a minimum, designing and purchasing products and services to improve energy efficiency;
  • safeguard and optimize human resources, fostering the professional growth of all concerned; pursue the aim of equal opportunities, valuing diversity, without employing children or forced labor;
  • guarantee a safe and healthy workplace, freedom of association and the right to collective;
  • communicate and disseminate information regarding quality, health, safety, the environment, energy management and the social responsibility of parties involved, inside and outside the company, also through the consultation and participation of employees or their representatives.

We are committed to continuously improving our performances, respecting our contractual commitments and anticipating the expectations of the parties involved.

In relation to the Social Accountability Management System (SA8000), reports may be submitted as indicated in the attached document.


  The Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

                   Nicolò Tarantino

Any reports in relation to the Social Accountability Management System (SA8000), which will be handled with confidentiality guaranteed, may be forwarded through the following communication channels:

Prelios Integra SpA

email: integrasa8000@prelios.com

the report is addressed to the company representatives of the Social Performance Team

SAAS - Social Accountability Accreditation Services

email: saas@saasaccreditation.org

RINA Services SpA

email: sa8000@rina.org