Milan, 5 August 2016 – Tecla Fondo Uffici, an Italian closed-end real estate alternative investment fund, listed on the MIV segment and managed by Prelios SGR S.p.A., disposed on today’s date, in line with the provisions of the preliminary sale and purchase agreement signed on 18 December 2015 and as already illustrated in the previous Fund management report, five properties located, respectively: in Busto Arsizio (VA), via Arnaldo da Brescia SNC; Cagliari, Via Boiardo 12, 14; Palermo, via Ugo La Malfa 99; Roma, via della Bufalotta 241 and Treviso, via Enrico Dandolo, 12. The aforementioned buildings have mainly technological services use destination.
The above mentioned buildings, currently located to Telecom Italia S.p.A., have a total gross area of approximately 35,800 sqm and were sold to a real estate Fund reserved for Qualified Investors, managed by IDeA FIMIT SGR S.p.A., for a total of 39.3 million euro.
All information relating to the origin of the assets owned by the Tecla Fund is available in the Information Memorandum relating to the IPO and Listing of the Fund Units of 2004 at and The transaction documents will be made available to the public at the registered offices of Prelios SGR and the Depositary Bank State Street Bank as well as at and as provided for by article 17 of the Tecla Fund Management Regulation.