Milan, 30 October 2013 – The Board of Directors of Prelios Società di Gestione del Risparmio S.p.A., which held its meeting on today’s date, approved the interim reports at 30 September 2013 of the funds Tecla and Olinda, closed-end real estate mutual funds with contributed assets, listed with Borsa Italiana on the MIV segment and managed by the Company.
The interim reports at 30 September 2013 of Tecla and Oinda funds will be made available to the public at the offices of Prelios SGR and of the Depositary Bank State Street Bank, and on the websites, and, pursuant to article 17 of the Fund By-Laws.
Prelios SGR is one of the leading Italian real estate fund management companies. The value of asset under management (AuM) is equal to nearly 3.8 billion euro (at 30 June 2013), divided into over 20 funds. Nearly 36% of fund investors are financial institutes and investment funds, nearly 19% are corporate clients, and the residual part includes foundations and pension funds, insurance companies, public entities and retail investors. Prelios SGR manages about 1,350 properties, located primarily in Milan and the province of Milan (22%), Rome and the province of Rome (26%) and Turin (11%). The asset classes most representative of the properties under Prelios SGR management are the following: office (45%), industrial and logistics (25%), retail & entertainment (19%) and residential (nearly 5%).
For further information:
Prelios SGR Press Office- Tel. +39/02/6281.415471 - Mail:
Prelios SGR Investor Relations - Tel. +39/02/6281.1 - Mail:;;