Prelios SGR informs that, on todays’ date, the ordinary Unitholders’ Meeting of Tecla – Fondo Uffici has been called – on single call - for Thursday, 11 December 2014, at h. 10:00 am in Milan, at the Conference Centre of Hotel Ramada Plaza, via Stamira D’Ancona, n. 27, to resolve upon the following Agenda:


·         Proposal of amendment to the Fund By-Laws by introduction of art. 2.2. bis aimed at giving the Fund Manager the right to extend the term of the Fund until 31 December 2017 for the purposes of completing the disposal of the Fund’s assets and the relevant regulation pursuant to article 22, paragraphs 5- bis to 5-novies of Italian Legislative Decree  no. 91 of  24 June 2014, n.91, converted with amendments by Law no. 116 of 11 August 2014 (so-called “Extraordinary Extension”).


The Unitholders’ Meeting Call Notice, reporting the relevant provisions and information for the purposes of attendance and exercise of rights, is published on the websites of Prelios Società di Gestione del Risparmio S.p.A. (www.preliossgr.com) and of the Fund (www.fondotecla.com), and has been published today in the daily newspapers “Corriere della Sera” and “Il Sole 24 Ore”.


Further information on Meeting attendance may be requested by calling the Toll-Free Number 800-189043.