Fondo Tecla: Prelios SGR S.p.A. BoD approves the management report as at 30 June 2017

The Board of Directors of Prelios SGR S.p.A. (the “SGR”), meeting on today's date, approved the management report as at 30 June 2017 of the “Tecla - Fondo Uffici” fund (the “Fund”).

The NAV (Net Asset Value) as at 30 June 2017 stands at Euro 116.62 per unit (total NAV of Euro 75.41 million), compared with a value of Euro 82.68 per unit as at 31 December 2016 (total NAV equal to Euro 53.46 million).

The operating profit of the first half of 2017 was Euro 21.9 million, although there are no distributable proceeds due to past losses.

It should be noted that from the placement date of the Fund’s units until 30 June 2017, 70.8% of the real estate assets have been divested as calculated on the contribution value.

As regards the residual property owned by the Fund, it is worth remembering that on 17 July 2017 - as already disclosed to the market with the press release issued on the same date - the Board of Directors of the Asset Management Company resolved to accept two binding purchase offers concerning as a whole the Fund’s residual property portfolio, subdivided into two sub-portfolios. The SGR will provide the market with updates of every future development surrounding the divestment of the Fund’s residual property portfolio.

For more information and details on the management report of the Fund as at 30 June 2017, please refer to the financial notice to be published on 28 July 2017 in the daily newspapers “Corriere della Sera” and “Il Sole 24 Ore”. The aforesaid management report and asset appraisal report of the Fund, drawn up by independent experts, will be available to the public at the offices of Prelios SGR, of Borsa Italiana, of the Custodian Bank State Street Bank International GmbH - Italy branch and at