Is there a Future in Italy for our grandchildren? - Meeting Prelios SGR - February 20, 2014

Prelios launches a cycle of meetings on the issues of the contemporary world to wonder about the future together with  who plays a part in building it.


The first meeting, organized by Prelios SGR, is dedicated to the future generations perspectives in our country:



"Is there a future in Italy for our grandchildren?"

February 20, 2014 from 9:00 am

Palazzo Pallavicini Rospigliosi, Rome


The meeting-debate, moderated by Nicola Porro, host of "Virus" on Rai Due, will take place with the involvement of Edward Luttwak and Jean-Paul Fitoussi, two  international economists with a specific knowledge of our country, and with authoritative contribution of Italian politicians such as Giulio Tremonti, Corrado Passera and Filippo Taddei.