E. Guarnieri in Digital4Trade debate “From the Wannacry alarm to the arrival of GDPR, how to share sensitive data and information online without fear?”

Egidio Guarnieri, Head of Application Management & Business Continuity Manager at Prelios Credit Servicing, participated in the recent Digital4Trade debate “From the Wannacry alarm to the arrival of GDPR, how to share sensitive data and information online without fear?”, a meeting on how to guarantee the security of online data, protect yourself from the attack systems used to steal our vital information, the new rules imposed by the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) to protect privacy, and the exclusive figures on the sales of IT protection systems in Italy in 2017.

In his presentation, Egidio introduced the case history of Prelios Credit Servicing, which has chosen Multipartner’s Virtual Data Rooms, a secure and certified space, which makes it possible to rapidly obtain all information on the loan agreements, and the relative guarantees, which have over time become NPLs.

“In these projects, attention to safety is extremely high. In acquisition or due diligence operations, banks are actually asked to anonymise every document in order to guarantee their protection. And the possibility of having a secure space in which to transfer the shared data allows us to make savings on otherwise burdensome infrastructure. These are needs which we have met using Multipartner’s platform, which has also allowed us to trace the various logs and documents.”

Here is the link to the article: https://www.digital4trade.it/distriboutique/dati-distribuiti-in-ambienti-protetti-per-usare-il-cloud-senza-timori/