Milan, 28 July 2015 – Prelios S.p.A. informs that, on today’s date, has been filed with the Milan Business Register the Shareholders' Resolution of 24 June 2015, relating to the full coverage - pursuant to art. 2446, par. 2, of the Italian Civil Code – of the loss for the year, for the previous year and for the previously existing negative "other reserves", as resulting from the Company financial statements 2014, by use of available Reserves and consequent reduction of the share capital to Euro 49,225,067.95.
Therefore, as a result of occurred registration, is notified – pursuant to art. 85-bis of the Issuer's Regulations adopted by Consob Resolution n. 11971 of 14 May 1999 and following amendments as well as to art. 2.6.2, par. 1, letter a), of the Regulation of the Markets organized and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A. – that the share capital, fully subscribed and paid in, of Prelios S.p.A. amounts to Euro 49,225,067.95, divided into:
- n. 506,953,179 ordinary shares, without face value, accruing regular dividends;
- n. 210,988,201 class B shares, convertible into ordinary shares, without face value and voting right, not listed;
as better shown in the table below.
Current share capital
| Previous share capital | ||||
Euro | N. of shares | Unit face value | Euro | N. of shares | Unit face value | |
TOTAL of which: | 49,225,067.95 | 717,941,380 | Shares without face value | 426,441,257.20 | 717,941,380 | Shares without face value |
Ordinary shares (accruing regular dividends) Number of accruing coupon: 2 | 34,758,833.21 | 506,953,179 |
Shares without face value | 288,073,471.77 | 506,953,179 | Shares without face value |
Class B shares (not listed) | 14,466,234.74 | 210,988,201 |
Shares without face value | 138,367,785.43 | 210,988,201 | Shares without face value |