·         2013 financial statements have been approved

·         the adoption of measures pursuant to art. 2446 of the Italian civil has been adjourned

·         the number of 15 board members has been confirmed, of whom 8 are independent                               directors, with the appointment of Mirja Cartia D'Asero as new independent director

·         the “ remuneration Policy” has been approved.


Milan, 19 June 2014 – The Shareholders’ Meeting of Prelios S.p.A. has been held on today’s date.

The Shareholders’ Meeting approved the Company financial statements that closed with a net loss of about 299.8 million euro (-214 million in 2012), and the consolidated financial statements that closed with a net loss of about 332.8 million euro (-241.7 million in the past year).

Following to the loss for the period, exceeding one third of the share capital, the Shareholders’ Meeting adopted the decisions pursuant to art. 2446 of the Italian Civil Code, resolving to adjourn the adoption of measures (wherever necessary) to a date to be submitted to the Board of Directors. Such decision has been made also taking into account the compulsory early repayment of “Prelios 2013-2019 Convertible Bonds” already occurred and disclosed to the market, and the started activity of business development, the first results of which are expected to become visible in the second half of 2014, as well as the additional activities identified for the Company relaunch.

Moreover, further to the resignation handed in by a Director in the last few months, as previously disclosed to the market, the Shareholders’ Meeting confirmed the number of 15 Board members (the majority of whom, i.e. 8, are independent directors) and to appoint Mrs. Mirja Cartia D'Asero as new independent director.

Finally, with reference to the remuneration report submitted to the Shareholders’ Meeting pursuant to art. 123-ter of the Consolidated Finance Act, the same Meeting approved the remuneration policy and the relevant procedures adopted by the Company.


Prelios annual report at 31 December 2013, approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting and including the separate financial statements, the consolidated financial statements, the Directors’ report, the attestation as per art. 154-bis, par. 5, of Legislative Decree dated 24 February 1998 and susbequent amendments as well as the board of statury auditors’ report and the independent auditor’s report, is made available to the public, at the offices of Milan, Viale Piero e Alberto Pirelli n. 27 and at Borsa Italiana S.p.A. The documentation is also available on the Company website at The additional documentation as per art. 77 of the Regulation approved by Consob resolution n. 11971/1999 and following amendments is available to the public at the company’s offices. The minutes of the Shareholders’ Meeting will be made available to the public by 19 July 2014.


The Financial Reporting Officer of Prelios S.p.A. Dr. Marco Andreasi, certifies - pursuant to art. 154-bis, par. 2, of the Consolidated Finance Act (Italian Legislative Decree 58/1998) - that the accounting information contained in this press release corresponds to the Company's underlying documentary records, books of account and accounting entries.


For further information:

Prelios Press Office Tel. +39/02/6281.41571

Prelios Investor Relations Tel. +39/02/6281.4104