Price sensitive
Milan, 26 August 2013 – Pursuant to art. 85-bis of the Regulation adopted by Consob Resolution n. 11971 of 14 May 1999 and the following amendments as well as pursuant to art. 2.6.2, par. 1, letter a), of the Regulation of the Markets organised and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A., Prelios S.p.A. announces the new composition of the share capital, fully subscribed and paid in, as it results from the full subscription of the reserved capital increase and of the capital increase with option rights, resolved by the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting on 8 May 2013.
The certification of the occurred implementation of the reserved capital increase and of the capital increase with option rights, has been filed with th
Consequently, following to the fulfilment of the law obligations, Prelios S.p.A. share capital, fully subscribed and paid in, amounts to Euro 189,896,923.40 in total, divided into:
The certification of the occurred implementation of the reserved capital increase and of the capital increase with option rights, has been filed with th
Consequently, following to the fulfilment of the law obligations, Prelios S.p.A. share capital, fully subscribed and paid in, amounts to Euro 189,896,923.40 in total, divided into:
- N. 277,195,887 ordinary shares, without face value and accruing regular dividend; N. 117,597,496 class B shares, convertible into ordinary shares, without face value and voting right, not destined to listing.